Chapter Three: Finally Free

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Andrea was still nowhere to be seen. A search party was announced a few hours after Mark had done some investigation while trying to pinpoint her whereabouts. Nothing but a brown, large cigar was plastered to his black lips. He inhaled smoke into his lungs as his ribs began to rise and fall. His grey hair stuck to his face because of his forehead sweat.

Minutes were passing as FBI agents were tracing our building for any kind of physical proof that Andrea may be alive somewhere out there. The agent was a woman, she looked like she was in her early 30's. She began to sincerely ask us to leave the hall and go to the cafeteria or our rooms as she needed the plain hall to herself and the rest of the agents.

'Please leave this hall unattended at all times unless a member of staff announces that it is done with investigation.' She pointed at the agents who were sticking magnifying glass onto the walls and others who were picking traces of mud off the ground and sticking their private evidence into little plastic sacks. All of them had white, thick gloves on. They seemed too interested in their career to care about all the attention the people living in this shelter was giving them. Eventually, everyone left the hall as the FBI agent gave them a sense of fear.

Philip, Iris and I left the building and went outside into the large stretch of grass and greenery. We sat in our usual spot. Next to the dry, enormous arborvitaes. They swooshed from side to side as the wind blew. For a long minute it was calm. Noiseless. I could hear nothing but the sound of myself breathing and the wind blowing. I rested my numb body on the ground and stared at the blue sky. The clouds moved in speed motion in my head. Adam aggressively tugged my shirt. "Hey, you!" He screamed into my face. Specks of spit landed on my cheek and I disgustingly wiped them off. "How dare you!" He suddenly grabbed my shoulder painfully, and his face began to turn as red as a tomato. I was confused, but the pressure he put into my shoulder from his grip almost paralyzed me, so I pushed his hand away and raised my eyebrows.

"What's your problem, Adam?" I was nervous. Angry. Upset. I felt everything. It felt like I could feel the gravity gluing me to the ground.

"Did you and Iris really think I wouldn't find out?"

"Find out what?"

"Do you really think I'm that dumb?" He threw his arms into the air. "You would be the first to know that I find out everything."

"Adam, maybe if you were more specific..." He cut me off and pushed me slightly.

"I know Iris and you saw Andrea. All I want to know is why you hid it from me! Literally, I'm the person who matters to her the most." He was bursting into flames. "I can't believe you!" "And Iris, don't think you're off the hook for this. I feel even angrier at you. I can't believe you'd do this." He was visibly broken, and he began to giggle crazily. "I'm just laughing because I'm mad at myself for not seeing this coming." His eyes were tearing up. "I knew you weren't just simply going to the nurse. I praise Max for telling me this after he heard everything you guys said in the bed room."

He softened his shirt, and rushed inside without looking back. Not even once. He was disappointed at us, and he felt betrayed because we hid something so important from him. Philip raised his eyebrows and stared at me in disgust. He was ultimately surprised, almost out of breath. He was almost hurt by the fact that Iris and I had gone behind his back and told him nothing about it.

Staff on duty soon walked over to us and commanded us to go to the bus as a field trip was organized at West Lorkshire to clean up and rebuild the city. Philip, Iris and I got up lazily and walked towards the bus. I was surprised but thankful that Philip didn't let go of us even after the wrong things we have done. I loved that he had forgave us without us even having to apologize. You could see that he was angry, but he just let it go. He wasn't ready to let go of us. Not just yet.

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