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My name is Hazel Yogari. I'm the daught of Toga Yogari that no one really knew about, but I am here to tell you my story of this vampire knight.

It started when I became good frineds with Ichiru Kiryru when my dad said I was going to train with his other students Zero and Ichiru were we had to verse in a duel. First I had to duel Ichiru, but I could see he was quite weak so I let him win by forfiting but I still had to verse Zero. But when he thought we tied I pushed him down making me the winner. That was when me, Zero and Ichiru some how became friends.

But the night Ichiru and Zero went missing and there parents died I knew it had to be a vampire so I left. I sent my father a ote saying that iI was going to be gone for a long time. I knew he would be shocked since I was still quite young, but I also knew he would know what I would be really doing.

That was the night I started walking all the way to Cross Academy. The place for vampires and humans and hopfully one day they will live together. But I knew if that ever happened there always would be some sought of thing or person who would destroy that peace, so knew it would never happen.

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