Chapter Eight

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A/N in this story Thomas and James have no siblings.

Alex P.O.V

I awoke to the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever known. My eyes continued to rom around the small boys face, his freckles, the crinkle between his brows. I realize he's looking at me too.

"Morning John." I say smiling.

"Morning Lexi." He says yawning.

"Did you sleep ok?" I ask remembering his reason for being here now.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep with you." He says. He thinks quietly for a few seconds then begins to blush.

"Your welcome." I say chuckling. I look down. Why are we holding hands? I look at him and he notices around the same time I do. He quickly lets go while his face turns another shade of red.

"Well I should head back to my room." He says climbing out of my bed.

"Yeah, the guest should be coming soon." I say, I see his face grow annoyed.

"Oh yeah." He says looking down. He begins to walk out the door.

"See you later John." I say.

"Yup." He says very unenthusiastic. I wonder whats wrong.

I begin to make my bed, then get dressed quickly so I can get my breakfast. When I get downstairs the usual scene is set in front of me. Martha is cooking an amazing smelling breakfast, George is reading the paper, Herc, Laf, and John are doing whatever thing they came up with today. I walk in and take my seat. John blushes when I sit down next to him and looks at his plate. Herc decides to take to this opportunity.

"So John, I didn't see you in your bed this morning. Where were you?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well um I um...uhhhh..." He stutters turning a dark shade of red.

"You what?" Asks Laf joining the teasing.

George suddenly puts down the his paper in curiosity. Martha turns from the stove to look at John.

As each second passed John seemed to grow more and more tongue tied. I began to feel bad about them teasing so I stepped in.

"I was afraid of the storm so I asked John to spend the night in my room with me." I lie so John doesn't continue to get teased.

"Oh." Herc says looking down. He took some time without saying anything, for what I assume was to come up with a comeback. "Alex was scared of the storm." He says in a taunting voice. He starts chanting that about five more times until John kicks him under the table. "Ouch!" He says glaring at John.

"Leave Lexi alone." He says in a serious voice. Herc laughs at the nickname.

"Ok, I'll leave Lexi alone." And for some reason I didn't believe him.

At this we hear a knock at the door. Martha turns and looks at George.

"That must be them, can you go get it George?" He nods and stands up from the table. Herc and John share a look then watch the door.

Here come the Virginians.

Ok so I'm just using this chapter as a set up for the next, and I think in the next chapter I'm going to have some new point of views, bet you'll never guess who. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Byeee.

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