Before I go and probably get myself killed

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Malik and Vlad loaded the water pistols full of The stuff in glow sticks. The Count and Asan chickened in the circle of light. When Vlad finished he helped Malik load the rest of the guns,

"I wonder if we can kill them!" Says George,

"Vlad has ordered you two to stay with me guys!" Sam says. Sally smiles,

"Your very helpful Sam, dispite what your boyfriend is like," Sam frowns knowing she is refering to Malik, Malik would never love her! She knew it! She was too ugly for him,

"Malik is not my boyfriend," Sam chuckled,

"He looks at you as if he loves you," says George,

"I assure you, he's not my boyfriend," she says

"Sam and Malik...kissing in a tree," George begins,

"We are not going out! Now shut up! I..." Malik finishes loading the guns and comes up behind her,

"We're done. I'll come back for you," says Malik when she turns to him,

"Okay," Sam nods, he turns and so does she,

"Oh! Before I probably go and get myself killed," Malik turns and kisses Sam, Sam doesn't have time to think. She responds, Malik's thumbs skate across her cheek. Then he lets go, he walks off behind Vlad,

"Malik just..."George trails off,

"Yeah..." Gasps Sam. A blush fills her cheeks,

"Lets go," says Sally,

"Yep!" Sam says making a quick recovery. They run and hide in the library.

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