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If you're mostly A's

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If you're mostly A's...You'd be the beautiful Miss Riley! Just like Riley you're reliable...that's why Miss Kate calls you 'get it done girl'. You're strong and you believe in standing up for what's right, no matter who  you're up against. You tend to overthink things sometimes and people view you as being 'uptight'...although you feel mostly independent. People can always count on you to make good, brave decisions, but make sure you relax and look at other peoples perspectives! Overall, you're doing a great job!

If you're mostly B's, you are most like the gorgeous Michelle! You're sweet, sensitive, and shy, but you have a lot of inner strength

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If you're mostly B's, you are most like the gorgeous Michelle! You're sweet, sensitive, and shy, but you have a lot of inner strength. People think they can try and get over on you but they are totally wrong...your way  too smart and strong-willed for that! You really care about your friends and it shows, always doing them special favors and being a comforting shoulder to lean on. Just make sure you don't let your own emotions get the better of you when you try to help someone else! 

Got lots of C's? Then you're the fun-loving, creative Tiffany! Just like Tiffany you can be counted on to be the life of the party! Sociable and sassy, you always attract nice people because they are drawn to your lively personality, so you have n...

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Got lots of C's? Then you're the fun-loving, creative Tiffany! Just like Tiffany you can be counted on to be the life of the party! Sociable and sassy, you always attract nice people because they are drawn to your lively personality, so you have no problem making friends! If you were in a dance battle you would be the first one up because of your confident, competitive attitude. Just make sure your friendly competition stays bright and cheery!

If you have mostly D's you're the dedicated Miss Chloe! You are the most hardworking of the 'TNS' girls, because you know how to properly earn  what you want

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If you have mostly D's you're the dedicated Miss Chloe! You are the most hardworking of the 'TNS' girls, because you know how to properly earn  what you want. Your on the quiet side and sometimes need a push from your friends and family to make a decision, but you always end up choosing the right one! Your trustworthy (so people trust you with things like 'the money box'), and you like setting a good example. Be sure that when you're deciding something you really evaluate what you need and have confidence!

If you have more E's, naturally you're the strong Miss Emily! If your personality were to be summed up in one word it would be 'leader'

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If you have more E's, naturally you're the strong Miss Emily! If your personality were to be summed up in one word it would be 'leader'. Just like Emily you were born to step up and take charge of any obstacle that comes your way (like any dance captain would)! You always put the needs of your team first, and when someone threatens your peers, you're the one who puts them in their place! When taking on big tasks though, make sure you don't come off bossy or arrogant. Communicate your feelings with others so they understand why you made a particular choice! Keep being you!

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