Chapter 10: The Complicated

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Recap: Belphegor finally shows up. That is now all the Princes of Hell plus Lucifer. Belphegor asks why Vania is with Lucifer when she could be with any one of them instead. Now, Vania is confused.

Vania's POV

"Excuse me!" someone said a bit indignantly. We all turned to look at the person who said it. No surprise, it was Lucifer.

"And what is wrong with being with me?" He asked Belphegor.

We then turned to look at Belphegor, who had gone to take a seat to begin eating. He was just about to take a bite of food when Lucifer addressed him. He sighed and put his food down.

"Do I really have to answer that?" he retorted. "I've known you since you were little, every single one of you, actually. I say that we all should have a chance to make her ours."

"Hey! I am not some object you can own!" I interjected angrily. "For the record, I am not with Lucifer!"

"Vania...why must you wound me so?" Lucifer dramatically cried out.

I just glared at him. He just sighed.

"She's not wrong," he pouted. "I do want to make her mine though. I made a deal with her that if I could make her fall in love with me, she'd be mine forever."

"That sounds like an interesting deal, I would like to take part in it," Mammon said.

"Yeah, same here!" Baal agreed.

The others began murmuring saying that it was interesting and such.

"Hey! This is just a deal between Vania and I!" Lucifer interjected.

"My liege...are you afraid of losing to one of us, that you would not agree to have us take part?" Leviathan asked.

At that moment, I could have sworn that I saw a vein twitch on Lucifer's forehead.

"You know what? Fine! You guys can be part of the deal. It has now been revised! We will each woo Vania in an attempt to make her fall for one of us, not like I would lose to any of you. I am the King of Hell," Lucifer grinned sadistically.

"Uh...What?" I asked dumbly.

"My, my Vania. If you don't pay attention, you'll be making this too easy for us. Now that wouldn't be fun," Mammon said from my right side.

I jumped away from him, since I had not noticed that he was so close to me. I looked around me and began to feel like a lamb being sacrificed. All the princes had smirks or arrogant grins, watching me. I just shivered from all the attention.

"Do I not get a say in this?!" I yelled at them. "I don't even want to be his, much less belong to any one of you guys!"

I had pointed at Lucifer, who had a proud and arrogant grin on his face.

"Sweetheart, you're stuck in Hell now. Why not make it much less painful by being with one of us?"

"Hey, don't forget my end of the deal, if I don't fall in love with you," I reminded him.

"Tch," he scoffed. "How could I forget? Gentlemen, if Vania does not fall in love with ONE of us, I will be talking to the big guy upstairs to let her up there instead of staying down here."

"Lucifer," Belphegor called. "Why would you agree to such a thing?"

"Because there's a very small chance of me losing," he grinned.

"Ugh," I sighed.

"Vania, would you not prefer to be with one of us, rather than Lucifer?" Asmodeus asked from the other side of me.


"Yes, I believe that I would make a much better partner than any of them," Leviathan said to me as he walked up to caress my face.

His eyes stared down into my face and I was entranced by them. Suddenly I was yanked back into someone's arms. They hugged me from behind.

"Now, now. Levi, you're not playing fair. Vania has not agreed to the revision yet," Mammon said.

I did not know that he lowered his head until I felt his lips touch the side of my neck. My breath hitched and I felt him smirk against my skin. I could also feel my face go aflame. I struggled against his hold, but he just tightened his arms. I felt him nip my skin and I stilled.

"That's a good girl," he whispered in my ear.

Again, I felt myself wrenched from Mammon's arms and into another's. This time they just kept me in their hold, not doing anything.

"You know...even if she doesn't agree, we can still just keep trying to seduce her," Belphegor said, letting me know that he was the one holding me.

"That is a mighty fine deal, too. I think I'm in either way. She's a feisty one and I like that," Satan grinned.

I think I'm in trouble no matter what I say. I'm really annoyed that this is happening but there's not much I can do since they'd do something whether I agreed to the deal or not. I sighed.

"Fine!" I agreed to their stupid revision. "Not like you guys gave me much of a choice."

They all grinned maniacally and I felt a shiver go up my spine.

What did I just get myself into?

I sighed and then I felt someone grope my butt. Out of reflex, I turned to slap the offender. Belphegor just grinned and pulled me closer.

"Now that's not very nice," he said to me. "I was only appreciating your lovely body."

"BY GROPING ME?" I yelled at him. I then struggled to get out of his arms. He let me go, but not without swooping down and stealing a kiss from my lips. Face aflame, I glared at him and he just grinned sheepishly.

"Hmph!" I grunted.

I think I exuded an aura of "touch me and you'll get kicked in the nuts" since none of the other princes dared to approach me as I went and took my seat so that I could finally eat. That was the whole purpose of Baal bringing me to the dining room!

"Finally I can eat! Damned demons," I muttered to myself.

With that, the princes just shook their heads and took a seat as well.


Hello! Thank you for all the votes! I did warn you guys that I was a severe procrastinator. Anyway, how's the direction of the story so far? Now Vania gets to have her pick of these yummy guys, well as long as they can get her to fall for one of them? Lol.

20 votes and a few comments please! I'd love to know your thoughts and who you'd be rooting for ;)

Thanks lovelies!

Comment. Vote. Fan.

P.S. I will be going through my notifications and thanking/responding to votes and comments! :)

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