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Enid's POV:
Today I think I might go over and see how Carl's doing, I haven't seen him in a while, ever since the accident. I jump in the shower then put a set of clean clothes on that Maggie nicely washed for me. I picked up my key and left. As I walked across the street to the grimes residence. I relise Carl's curtains are closed once again. If I'm being honest I don't think they have been open for months.

I walked up to the door I hesitated to knock before I could even turn away and change my mind Rick opened the door. He said "Hi Enid, haven't seen you in a while. Are you okay?" "I'm fine thanks how about you?" I replied. "I'm good, are you here to see Carl?" He asked. "Yeah, I just want to see if he's okay." I said "He's never in a good mood so if he's a bit harsh don't take it personally. Just head straight up." Said Rick "thank you" I said.

Carl's POV:
I was reading my comic book, and I heard a knock at the door I ignored it. Someone knocked again, "what!" I shouted. "Carl?" A feminine voice said. I recognised the voice it was Enid. I walked up to the door and opened it. "Oh, sorry Enid I didn't realise it was you, come in." "Thanks" she said in a rather innocent voice. "I came to see how you were I haven't seen you around, I didn't know if I should come I assumed you didn't want to see me." Enid said in a disappointed tone.

"It's not that i didn't want to see you." I said. I looked down. She didn't look at me differently because I only had one eye. She never even mentioned it. "Wait, why didn't you come see me then? Carl we were really good friends we did everything together. Then one day everything changed." She said with a tear running down her face.

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