Chapter 2: Rekindled

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Light poured in from all angles as a comforting warmth swept over me, like a wave upon the sandy shore washing away my footprints. The warmth felt strange to me as I looked up into the sky hardly noticing a cold boney hand grab onto mine with a gentle hold.

Turning my head to see who it was I became happy as I came face to face with Gaster. He was much younger and his smile seemed much brighter than before and his eyes overflowing with endless wonder. He seemed to be speaking but his words were ever so silent as his lips moved swiftly, when he was finished talking his grasp upon my hand tightened as he pulled me along into a run.

Laughter began to fill my ears as we continued to run down the never ending road, soon the laughter became unbearable cries and screams making me cringe in horror. The farther we ran the worse they became as my ears began to ring, soon all I could hear were the voices echoing through my head.

Using my free hand I tried to cover my ears to block out the constant noises but they only got louder, my brain felt like it would turn to mush in a matter of seconds.

In that moment I finally succumbed to the noises and fell to my knees, I withdrew my other hand from Gasters and clasped it over my revealed ear.

Closing my eyes I tried to drown out the noise but it only grew louder and even more disturbing. Opening my eyes I let my hands fall to the ground as I realized I was alone once more.

Tears began to fall down my cheeks in a rushing stream as they hit the ground. Looking up at the sky I watched as the warm light was swallowed up by the cold hearted darkness.

Along with this sudden darkness came a monster dressed in a white lab coat with a bone chilling smirk that sent chills throughout my body. This creature came from the shadows of what could not be remembered.

I watched silently as this creature walked towards me and stoped In front of me. He leaned down putting one knee to the ground and reached his hand out to me, grabbing my chin he tilted it up and looked straight at me.

"This is what happens when you try to run from me little mouse, you should have stayed in your cage." The creature said moving his hand down my neck as he wrapped his fingers around it making me shut my eyes in fear.

"Such a bad mouse you are, you need to be punished." He said as he stood up and held me high. His grip upon my neck tightening harshly as I opened my eyes and realized that we were surrounded by an endless abyss that entrapped us.

Gazing down I could see the man was standing on a platform barely big enough for two, keeping my eyes on the platform I watched in shock as it was cut in half and left me with nothing under my feet.

My vision was becoming weak and blurry as the darkness closed in on us, the man didn't seem to notice it's presence nor the pending doom he too shared.

"Now little mouse it's time for you to go." He chuckled maniacally as his grip upon my neck loosened, it seemed to go almost in slow motion as I fell down watching the man disappear from my view completely as though he was claimed by the shadows.

Though the darkness seemed cold and harsh it gave me a sense of familiarity as it swallowed me whole leaving nothing behind.

Opening my eyes I sat up quickly as I tried to catch my breath, my whole body was shaking in horror as the nightmare ran through my mind once more. Bringing my knees close to me I realized that a blanket was over my small form and I was in a place I didn't recognize.

Looking around I found that I was on a bed which had a desk a few feet away and a dresser on the far side of the room. Above the desk was a window covered by long pure white curtains.

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