Chapter 10:Marriage

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-Lily's Pov-

It's been passed two weeks and Jungkook is getting married.The music starts and the doors open,revealing the bride Yeri.I was standing to the right side,I'm one of her bridesmaid.I don't know why she chose me,but she just did.

-Yeri's Pov-

I had my brightest smile on my face,I'm so happy I'm getting married to a perfect guy,but for some reason I feel sad too.I looked beautiful in my gown,also.

I reached Jungkook and I took both of his hands and smiled widely.We both faced the priest,I looked to my right and see Lily...she looks sad.I feel bad for her,maybe she isn't feeling well?I hope nothing is wrong with her.I may hate her a bit,but she's my sister-in-law now.I need to learn to love her,she's my unni after all.

The priest started the it comes to the part we say "I do",I smiled and looked Jungkook in the eye.Jungkook puts one hand on his chest and the other on his heart,"I Jeon Jungkook take you,Park Yeri to be my lawfully wedded wife,to have and to hold,from this day forward,for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health,until death do us part"I teared up as he said that,now it was my turn."I Park Yeri,take you,Jeon Jungkook..."I didn't continue."Ehemm"the priest brought me back to reality.Why do I feel like this?I hugged Jungkook,and stood in my tippy toes,"Jungkook...I'm sorry.Let's not continue this,this isn't what you want,you deserve the girl you love"I whispered and stopped hugging him."I object"I raised my hand to the air,"I said I object!"I shouted at the priest."If that's what you want"the priest nodded.

My parents and my brother stood up."PARK YERI!"my dad shouted my name."Honey,calm down"my mom stopped him."Let's not force her"my mom grabbed my father's wrist."You're right yeobo"my dad smiled and opened his arms for me to hug him."Thank you so much dad"I ran to hug my dad.

-Jungkook's Pov-

I thought she wanted this,I'm glad she didn't want it to happen.What's gotten into her though?I looked at the hugging family in front of me."Son,it's okay.I'll look for another girl for you"my dad pats my shoulder."It's okay dad,I can look myself"I chuckled.Lily went beside me,"What's gotten into her?"she giggled."I thought she likes you"she sighed.I put my arm around her waist,"guess not"I laughed,she slapped my hand away."People will see us"she whispered scream,and I took my arm off her."Then,you're all to myself tonight"I smirked."Haha!In your dreams"she laughed sarcastically."You know...I took your virginity first"I whispered in her ear."I took yours too!"she sticked out her tongue.

Yeri came closer to me,I didn't have a reaction."Sorry,I objected it"she nudged me."Well,thank you for doing it"I laughed."No,but seriously.I like you Jungkook,but I don't want a husband who can't return the feelings back"she giggled."You're right"I sighed.

After the wedding,Yeri packed up and lived with her parents again.That means the only people living in this house is Lily and I!Time to celebrateㅋㅋㅋ

-Lily's Pov-

"Babe,do you think we can ever get married?"Jungkook asked."I wish,but you always ask that.The answer is obviously the same"I sighed."Do you want to go for vacation?Officially this time"he asked,I nodded as a reply."Can we go to Tokyo,Japan?"I asked excitedly."Yes,babe.Anything for you"he pecks my lips.

Sorry for late update.I'll try to update more!I apologize if I rarely can because of school and bs.Goodnight/Good morning.I have school tomorrow,fighting!💕

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