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Within the depths of what appeared to be an eternal hell, the girl sat sobbing dreadfully. She peered around her near-midnight black prison, wishing to see any sign of life, yet she was to be weeping in her abandonment perpetually. It lasted but a few months, as she slowly discarded her previous plunders of hope, giving herself no reason to leave. There was not a single fractured wedge of glass resembling her broken, confused, unguided heart. She was nothing, an enveloped nobody, meaningless to everyone, an annoyance to all. After what she had been forcibly dragged through, the deep scars still remaining, she hadn't an idea of how to start over. She lay there, helpless, wondering if anyone were to ever see her again.

The droplets of anguish from the ceiling of her cell had become drowned out by her internal fury. Ever so despairingly, she hoped she would once be seen as welcoming and acceptable, yet her consciousness contained the knowledge that such a feat was not easily accomplished. Steadily, the cave in which her soul was held gained light, and with that, the colours of life. The girl had been sinking into the vast sea of misery, her heart function slowly shutting down.

Before discarding the last true piece of herself, the pace of the lighting of the room livened. Hopeful of what was to come, the girl ceased her self ridicule and investigated about. She turned a corner of the seemingly hollow area, and was met with the vision of an elegantly decorated soul. Its wispy locks flowed in the air, careless of what others derided. Its aura, filled with humorous phrases and good intention, had begun to infect the girl. The girl's lips raised upwards to the heavens, her incisors revealed, dimples materialising everywhere upon her cheeks. Her heart, empty for eons, filled with compassion and geniality as her smile grew wider.

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