Sheele Ending

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Sheele stood there with a soft smile adorning her angelic features.

Sheele:(Y/n) are you alright?

(Y/n):Oh yeah.

You turned back and looked off the cliff your legs swinging off the edge. You felt movement and Sheele took a seat next to you.

Sheele:It is really beautiful out tonight.

(Y/n)Yeah. On nights like this I like to clear my head.

Sheele:I like to do that too. There is just something relaxing about bathing in the moonlight that heals all mental and emotional wounds.

(Y/n):You know the moon has guided almost all of my life.


(Y/n):when I was little forced to work as a slave I would look up at the moon and think of how one day I would change the way my sister and I were treated. Then when I lost her the moon guided me to my targets.

Sheele:You two were really close.

(Y/n):After our village was attacked she was the only family I had left. It was a few years after that that the moon led me to stealing that imperial arms. Then I met you.

Sheele:Now you have a new family.

You smiled as Sheele rested her head on your shoulder.

(Y/n):The moon has led me to all my greatest tragedies and spectacular moments in my life and now I think it may have just led me to my greatest treasure.

You turned to her and she lifted her head. You cupped one of her cheeks and stared passionatley into her violet orbs.


Sheele:I am so happy to hear you say that.

You brought her closer and you lips met gently. It could not have been more perfect. Sheele pulled away and rested her head on your chest.



Sheele:You took my first kiss and I want you to take my last. I love yu and I want to be with you now and forever.

(Y/n):Sheele I am amzed I was so lucky as to meet someone like you. You are sweet and kind where I am rough and pretty much a lunatic. And I swear I will protect you with every fiber of my being if you grant me the chance to be by your side.

Sheele giggled and hugged you.

Sheele:of course.

You hugged her back and leaned down with her. 

Sheele:(Y/n) could we spend the night here?

(Y/n):Anything you want darling.

she cuddled close to you as your pulled her into your warmth. You slowly fell asleep in the embrace of your love.


With the Jeagers defeat the Empire toppled when the minister died under "mysterious" circumstances. You recieved a small fortune for your work in helping. You spent almost all of it on giving Sheele the best wedding possible. Everyone attended even Mr.Oliver and his wife. You scraped up what you had and bought a library just outside of the capital. It was rundown, but you Sheele and Tanner managed to make it a place of learning again. You restocked it shelfs and opened it to the public. You didn't get very many visitors, but you had lifelong customers and dear friends come in. You rarely went berserk only go mad when a robber threatned to hurt Sheele. Yeah he is no longer around. The library a peaceful and loving place especially because of your darling.

TimeSkip 5 years.

You placed a book on the shelf and pushed of the book shelf riding the ladder all the way back to your seat. You hopped off it and sat in your chair. You picked up a book you had been reading and started scanning the pages till you heard you name being called.

???:Hello dear.

You looked up and smiled at your beautiful violet haired wife. You stood up and walked over to her pulling her into a hug. She returned it and you felt two more sets of arms. You looked down and smiled at the sight of your two kids. You had twins. A boy named Sam and a girl named Sarah. they both had purple hair and (E/C) eyes. They were both very shy and only like being around you, Sheele and the other members of Night Raid except Lubbock. You might of had something to do with that.

(Y/n):Hey guys. Come give dad a proper hug.

Sam and Sarah walked out from behind Sheele and hug your legs. You pat their heads and then you hear a crash. You sigh and look over at Tanner who was picking up some books he had dropped. You walked over and picked up a few.

Tanner:Sorry dad.

(Y/n):It's ok kiddo. Let me handel this.

Tanner:Are you sure?

(Y/n):Yeah. Plus you need to spend time with your younger siblings.

You tucked the books under your arm and walked over to Sheele and gave her a kiss. 

Sheele:I love you.

(Y/n):I love you and I always will.

You walked over to your ladder and stepped on it. You checked the barcode of the book and pushed off traveling to another part of the library. You looked back at your wife and kids and thought back to Mr.Oliver.


You looked at your collection of novels.

(Y/n):I guess I am the one giving advice now.

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