Covered Bridges

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Darkness is what greets me, opening these brown eyes
Knowing it stems from covered bridges

An ache within my chest,
Swells and overwhelms
Feeling fresh as it reacts to embraces

Behind a locked keyhole,
Reveals to the naïve
Secrets forever held within a heart

Buried until last breath,
Breaths which were stiffened
For years for a love which had left its deepened mark

Snapshots of memories captured in film, and also ink exposes a love,
Once cherished by two

A love which to many would only be considered fleeting,
Their eyes unable to see with the right view

Incapable of understanding,
It was all about then,
Here a soul, pour as it tells of what was shared

All that was inevitably sacrificed,
Paralyzed as she gripped tight,
The sky stormed as emotions flooded

And she stayed... trapped there

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