A Angle and A Juvenile Stuck in a Nightmare

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[Clover: The one in the sweater. Anna: the one with the beanie]

New Girl after a few moves the days. Her sister, Anna, is a bit dramatic sometimes, but Clove (Clover) is down to earth. They moved from there small town in Georgia to a bit bigger one in the same state. Anna is so happy, Clove isn't. In just this year we have moved to there different schools. it is hard for a four-teen year old to find any friends moving so many times. Their parents promised this is the LAST time moving for a long time. But the girls don't believe it. But until Clove meets.. a very famous person..will he/she change her life? Or will it be something else? And with Clove being a angle with her juvenile love save her? 


Why is it so hard saying goodbye? I should be used to it. Why do we move so much? Just why? "Clove, lets go. I know it is hard to say bye, but our new is bigger and better. I love you, sweetie." My mom told me. We left my 'old' house. I really wanted to call this my 'home' not just a 'house'. With my sister being an actress that is the only reason why we always move. Ugh, sometimes i HATE her guts. We aren't moving very far away from we used to live. Oh, what am I saying we are moving a hour away. Now I am going to be a new girl , because every other time we moved I went to the same school.

When we got there I was pretty amazed. A gated neighborhood, Sweet! We moved in right next to a man named Norman Reedus, he has a son my age. Score. But no one ever likes me. My parents had professional movers move all out furniture in. we just had the boxes. Each door had one persons name on it. It took forever for me to find my room. "Anna, James and Elliea.....no sign of me...till boo ah! Me." Thinking in my head. My bed was already put together, more points for me. I had to put the box I had in my hands down and go get more. Box after box after box. Done after about 100 trips. I had a walk- in closet, awesome. I went in and saw a vanity with a box on it. It was wall stickers. " Sing, like no ones listening. Dance, like nobody's watching. Love, like you've never been hurt." the package read. "I will put these up tomorrow." I said out loud.

I hung up all my photos. Then i put my clothes up and after that my little decors figures. My katana was next, but i had to nail to the studs of the wall , so my dad had to do that. But for now I will sit it a side. My room was unpacked. Next week I start school. EHS. For know I will find the fastest way to school, if not the bus. "Clove, can I talk to you?" Anna asked. "Why yes!" She stated. She should know she can talk to me anytime. "Clover, we are starting school early. Just to let you know." She told me. "Wait, what? When?" Their was a pause. "Uhh.... Thursday, this week." Well good thing this is Tuesday."Bye." She stated and walked out of my room. School. Seven cruel hours out of life. I signed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower. A long shower. And I thought what school was going to be like.

I went to bed. I couldn't stay still in one spot for five minutes. I l and went down stairs for a glass of water. When I was done with the water and i slowly walked back up stairs. I flopped back onto my bed. Covered back up. Still couldn't go to sleep after that...so i got my Samsung Galaxy 4s and check IG , Facebook, and Tumblr. Not much happen, I plugged it back up to the charger. And I let out a breath.

I was awoken by my Annas music. Blasting ' Smile' by Avril Lavigine. I stomped my way over to Annas room. "Can you please turn that crap down?!" I asked. "Sure." She turned it down and I went away to my room to go back asleep.

Wednesday was very fast. I put the wall stickers up and tidy up a little. That was pretty much it.

Today is the day. New girl is on her way. I got ready, simple stuff. I took the bus.I took out my blue/green beats and put them on. I sat in the very back, seat 24. A girl tapped my shoulder. I removed the beats. "You are in his seat, btws." She told me. " Umm. ok. Does it look like I give a crap.?" An sniffled my noes. She turned around and minded her businesses . A few stops later another tap. I rolled my eyes. Took off the beats. "What, now?" I barked. I am not a morning person at all. " Some one has attitude." I look over and see a boy with about 5 face piercings. ' Yikes.' I thought in my head. "Sorry." I stated to him. " My seat." From me being in the middle I was next to the window. Sure, I am going to move for some Gothic kid. Sure. "Sit." As I was waving for him to sit. Dont get me wrong he was pretty hot. But what Gothic kid would wanna go out with a down to earth girl like me? Please tell me that?

When we got to school. Same as usually. I was the last person off of the bus.

Anna and I headed to the office to get our schedule. Hopefully I won't get lost. I got lost for all my classes. When I finially made it to my locker. I lockered and I kinda wacked someone in the head with my locker door. " Crap! Sorry. It's my fault, it won't happen again." Not even realizing who it was. Bus boy. "YES! IT IS YOUR FAULT." he yelled. "Here." I held my hand out, waiting for him to grab it. " I hate most people, and I hate you." He stated. I raised an eyebrow, Ok this boy is on my bad side. " Sorry. Do you know where... room 411 is?" He rolled his eyes. "Yes, it's my first class. " He told. "Mine too." I followed him to the class. He took a seat, I didn't know where to. " Hello! You must be, Clover." Some lady asked. " Yes, but it's Clove. You are?" I stated. " Mrs. Crabgrass." I nodded. " Sit next to....." She didn't even the person name. How is she a teacher? "Chandler. Or Sam." A boy said behind pointing at a boy with blonde hair and a few piercings, not as many as Chandler. Context clues. " Yes, Chandler and Sam." Slowly I made it to my seat, between the boys. " I'm Sam ad you are Clove?" The boy with blonde hair stated. I nodded. "Sam don't bother her." Chandler said, I turned and just looked at his lip piercing. " What? You like what you see.?" He barked. " By god no! Your gothic!" I snapped back. Sam laughed. "You just got rejected. Haha!" Sam said to Chandler. With just my eyes and looked at Sam then Chandler. My eyes rolled. " Shut up!" Chandler barked at Sam. "Stop!" I said. " What are you saying about him getting rejected?" I asked. "Oh.. usually girls don't reject him. "Ok. Well, I did." Under my skin, in my head I was thinking why is he so darn perfect. Just why?

Class was dismissed, and the day went bye. I walked to my bus. "Hey, Anna!" I waved at my sister , she was a Junior! not a freshmen like me. Two years apart. I looked and smile at me. This time so I wouldn't interfere with Chandler seat , I sat in seat 23. A girl sat with me. " Amelia. You?" I looked up and replied with, ' Clover, but I go by Clove." I smiled. For once I had friend. We live in the same neighborhood. She lives five house down from mine. Anna and I got to our home. When we arrived into the house. We had to walk through the living room till we get to the stairs. A boy with blonde was sitting on my couch next to a man. My mom was talking to them.

"Hey!" The man said .

"Hi." I gave with a wave.

Anna waved, that was it for her.

"Anna, Clove this is Norman and his son Mingus.

"Hey, Norman and Mingus." I stated. Mingus smiled at me. "I have a ton of homework. Bye." I told everyone and went upstairs.


To be honest , Clove was beautiful no gorgeous. Was it her hair, her eyes, her smile, or was it I don't know? I like her. Not as a friend, something more.I was a jerk to her, she wouldn't ever like me. Sam was right she rejected me. She was the first. Did she meet Amelia? Besides me, Amelia and Sam were the seconds most popular kids: teens is school. Clove met Sam and I. Don't know about Clove meeting Amelia. Ill find it out.

"Amelia!" I yelled. "What?" she said holding her body by one hand on the door rim. "Did you meet a girl named Clove? By any chance?" I asked. " Yeah. Why? " she replied. " Nothing." I stated to her. " Bye." She walked away. So she met my sister, Cool.


Clove was amazing. More than Call of Duty or anything else. She was beautiful. Her hair, eyes, everything.


Ok. Tbh, I like both, Chandler and Sam, but they don't like. School, normal as always. One thing was different... I already knew my enemy.  Who knows that on the first of school?! Annalynn. She was a snooty, rude,  make up wearing, preppy girl. Ihate those kinda girls. They think they know everything.  " Clove! Dinner is ready!" Anna yelled. Got out of my warm, soft bed and shuffled my way to the kitchen. Fried Chicken. "I'm on a diet of no fried foods, sorry." No offense but my dads fried chicken was terrible. Peanut oil and chicken does not make a good combo. Instead I got a pb and jelly sandwich. Then went back up to my room. After all that I took a hot shower and shaved my legs. Went to bed after I brushed my teeth.

::: Who wants some... ZOMBIES???? Well they may come in next chapter. Just keep reading. Vote. Comment. And added to ur library.:: I'll go over this later. 

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