PICKING UP: except... Lillan. She is my little sis. She is not annoying. Well, sometimes. But the majority of times she is actually really nice. WAIT! I haven't formally introduced anyone.
I'm Jenna. I have straight, red hair. I'm 5 foot 6. I'm a ginger. I get picked on. Personally, I'm proud of it. I like red hair. No one else in the entire school has red hair. Besides Lillan. She's 5 foot 3. She has red hair that is always in some sort of braid. My hair? I don't know. I'd say I don't have a usual style.
Anyways, I'm at home now. Lillan's sitting in the kitchen (at 11 PM) eating PB & J.
"Hey, weren't you at Amelia's house?"
"Weren't you in bed?" I retort.
"Ok, what's up?"
So I tell her. Everything. Then I break down into tears and our lovely Rottweilers, Katniss and Peeta (named after...?) come over and nearly lick my face off.
"Well, what I'd do is just ignore them. If they kept bugging me, I'd say, 'Okay, why not pick on someone your own size? Like a mouse?'"
This coming from my 12 year old little sister. But would anyone listen?