Chapter Two.

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Elliana had just became 18. Her birthdays were never celebrated, so she did not know her true age. She knew that another year just started because of all the parties that were occurring. First Christmas, then new years, now upcoming was the festival of fools.
     "Good morning." She said to the baby bird that lived in the gargoyle mouth outside on the balcony. "Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?" The bird didn't seem too eager. "No? Why don't you try? This is the best day to fly! The festival of fools! I would love to fly if I were you. What, with the music, the jugglers, the dancing?!"
She let go of the bird which then began to fly.
     "See? I knew you could do it."
A flock of birds flew by and the baby bird flew away to join them, leaving Elliana alone with the gargoyles.

     "No one wants to be cooped up here forever."

     "Man! I thought he'd never leave! I'll be spitting out feathers for a week." Said Alex, one of the three gargoyles.
     "Well that's what you get for sleeping with your mouth open." Said Charles, the second, smarter gargoyle.
     "Hahaha you couldn't scare a nun." Said Alex.
     "Hey Elliana, what's going on down there? A fight?"
     "No a festival." Said Charles.
     "You mean the fest' of fools?"
     "Uh huh." Elliana answered.
     "It's such a treat to watch the pageantry of simple peasant folk."
     "Boy, nothing like balcony seats for watching the ol' FOF."
     "Yeah. Watching." Elliana said, somberly.
Elliana walked away, she was so tired of just watching the festival. She wanted to be a part of it.
     "What gives?"
     "Aren't you going to watch the festival with us?"
No answer.
     "I don't get it."
     "Maybe she's sick."
The third gargoyle, Christine, finally puts her two cents in.
     "If twenty years of listening to you two hasn't made her sick by now, nothing will."
     "But watching the festival of fools had always been the highlight of the year for Elliana."
     " But what good is watching a party that you never get to go to? Remember, she's not made of stone like us."
Elliana walks over to her model of the town she built. She looks over it with great sadness. She just wants to be down there with real people..

     "Elliana, what's wrong? You wanna tell ol' Christine all about it?"
     "I.. I just don't feel like watching the festival, that's all."
     "Well, do you ever think of going there instead?"
     "Sure, but I'll never fit in out there. I'm not.. Normal.."
     "Oh Elliana, nonsense. Just because you're better looking than everyone else doesn't mean you're not normal."
Elliana felt terrible. Yes, she was beautiful, but she didn't truly feel that way. If she was beautiful, why couldn't she be with everyone else, showing off her gorgeousness? Nothing made sense about her life.
     "As your friends and guardians, we insist you attend the festival."
     "Me? I couldn't.."
     "No, the Pope. Of course you!"
     "It would be such an educational experience, Elliana."
     "There'll be winee."
     "You can learn to identify various regional cheeses."
     "Bobbin' for snails!"
     "Study indigenous folk music."
     "Playin' dunk the monk!"
     "Elliana, take it from am old spectator. Life's not a spectator sport. If watching is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya."
     "Yeah, you're a human. With the flesh and the hair and the navel lint. We're just part of the architecture. Right, Charles?"
     "Yes. If you chip us, do we not flake? If you poison us, do we not grow moss?"
     "Elliana, just grab a fresh tunic and a clean pair of hose and..."
     "Thanks for all the encouragement, but you're all forgetting one thing."
     "What?" The three gargoyles said in unison.
     "My master, Jacques."
     "You know, we went through the same thing a while ago, only he was the opposite of you. We can figure something out."
     "Just sneak out."
     "It's just one afternoon."
     "Oh no, I couldn't."
     "And you sneak back in."
     "He'll never know you were gone."
     "But what if I got caught?"
     "Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission."
     "He'll see me. You know how different I am."
     "Put on a disguise, just this once. You're beautiful, it's the fest of fools, just make an ugly mask."
     "Ignorance is bliss."
     "No one wants to stay cooped up here forever."
That helped Elliana make her decision. She can't stay in this tower forever.
     "You're right. I'll go!"
     "Hurray! Yes! Alright!"
     I'll stroll down those stairs. I'll march through the doors, and.. "
     "Hello Elliana."

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