Chapter 1

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Hi people of earth this is my 2nd fan fic ( 1st is 3 adopted 3 kidnaped 3 best friends). Hope u enjoy it!!!




"Liz wake up!!" Rebecca said.

"Fine" I said. Hi I'm Lindsey Smith I'm a 14 year-old girl, I like to penny board, eating, and listing to music. By the way I'm a British!! Yes I'm a Brit but I live in LA because that's were my parents died.

"Lindsey get your fat ass out of bed!!" Rebecca yelled from down stairs.

"I! Am! Up!" I yelled back

Today is adoption day the worst day of the week. You see no one wants a 14 year old, who practically is a tomboy. I got up, and grab a black Crop top, faded shorts, and black converse. Everyone says I should were nicer clothing but I don't have anything nicer. I'm not good enough to get them. Anyway I walk into my bathroom, and took a shower. After my shower I dried off, put on my clothing, blow dried my hair, and brushed it out. I look in the mirror and realized that I forgot my necklace. Before my parents died they got me a turtle necklace. I wore it during the crash. So now when ever I'm down I hold on to my necklace and think about them. After shedding a few tears and walked down stairs with a book in my hand, sat in a comfy chair, and read my book.


I'm adopting a kid today! I've really want to for so long and it is finally happening! Me and most of the O2L crew are in my car on our way to the adoption center.

"Guys question time about the kid" I said.

"Boy or girl" kian asked.

"Girl" we all screamed.

"Age" Conner said

"10-16" I said driving down the street of the adoption center. "OK now I'm scared."

"Don't worry, You will pick the best daughter ever!!' JC said.

We pulled up to a tall building that had the word Adoption Center written above the door.

"OK time togo." I said walking out of the car with the boys fallowing behind into the adoption center.


"Girls ages 10-16 come down to the office area" I heard Rebecca speak through the intercom

Great there goes my shot of getting adopted all the Barbies. The Barbies are a group of stuck up girls who always get adopted. The leader Samoan is a stuck up little whore that makes sure I will never get spotted and makes my life a living hell when I did nothing to her.  Samoan walked passed me an evil smile on her face, strait to Rebecca. That smile quickly faded into a frown. She walked up to her and said something, I couldn't hear what she said though.

"Liz go up to your room you will get no food for a week and no Internet for 2 weeks!!!" Rebecca said.

I ran up the stairs to my room. I noticed some guys in the 20's downstairs with saddened eyes. There goes my shot of being adopted.


So I just over heard this lady tell a girl that she will get no food for a week and no Internet for 2 weeks, she looked skinny enough. Ok I'm adopting her now and I read her profile she is just like me and the guys!! "I would like to adopt Liz please" I told the lady.

"But you can't she is mean, evil. and wants to express her self!" She said

This place is wired. "Oh well, I want to adopt her though!!"

"Fine Liz you are going to be adopted!" she said into the microphone.


I'm being adopted this is the best day ever!!!!! I packed up my stuff witch isn't a lot and ran down stairs and hugged each one of them

"Now lets bring you home! and by the way my names Ricky !" He said

"Yea I'm actually bring to my home sweet home!!" I said

"Well I'm actually rooming with 3 other guys so you also have 5 uncles!" he said

"Oh well a bigger family is a happier family"I said

"And I want you to know now that me and 5 boys that include the 3 that I room with, are apart of it well we are one huge YouTube collab channel." he said.

"Cool I've always wanted to start a YouTube channel." I said

"I will set you up one soon" he said as we started to drive.
On the way to the house Igot to know the 3 other guys. Jc, Kian, and Conner. They are all really fun and sweet. I also told them about me. After a while we pulled up to a giant house. 2 boys where sitting on the front step.
They ran up to me. "Hi I'm Sam and this is Trevor." Said the one with rosy cheeks.
"Ok hi my name is Lindsey but call me Liz!" I said. So after the intro we ate Taco Bell for dinner. I found my room and laid my suitcase on the floor while the boys watched a movie. After laying in the comfiest bed ever I fell asleep.


Hey guys this is the first chapter. Vote, Comment, and fallow!!! 


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