Soft Spot (Bella's POV)

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Edward came into my room late during the night a little later than he usually did. I had a feeling that I needed to check on Annabeth.

Edward was confused, but went along anyway. We found Annabeth's room empty, and I started to freak out. I couldn't lose my cousin.

"Bella, calm down. She might just be out for a stroll," Edward said, trying to comfort me.

"Edward, this is war! One of Victoria's minions could he out there. What if they hurt her?!" I whisper yelled. He quickly alerted the rest of the Cullens about the situation and they needed to start searching.

That was around 3am. We searched for hours, but we had no leads.

Another weird thing about Annabeth was that she had a different scent each time the Cullens were around her, so they couldn't track her by smell.

Around 6am, we gave up. Edward and I went to my house, but at 6:30, the smell of the sea overwhelmed me.

Edward staggered back as the smell overwhelmed his senses. He told me there were two new presences in the house, and they entered through Annabeth's window.

We rushed to Annabeth's room, and in it, there was Annabeth sleeping more or less peacefully on the bed. There was a lingering smell of the sea, but other than that it was like she was there the whole night.

Edward woke her up, and she looked surprised to see us.

"What are you guys doing in my room? It's 6:30 in the morning," She said tiredly.

"Annabeth, where were you all night?"I asked. Her eyes widened for a moment, but she quickly covered up her surprise.

"I was sleeping. Here. Like a normal person," she said, sleep still heavy in her voice.

"No you weren't. I came in here with Edward at 3am and you weren't here," I said.

"Why is Edward here in the first place? I know Charlie doesn't know about it. Do you get nightmares or something that only he can stop?" She said it somewhat accusingly.

"Sometimes I get nightmares, and Edward is the only one that can stop them, or at least make them less bad," I said quietly. She stood up, and scoffed.

"Nightmares about what? The time your oh-so-perfect boyfriend abandoned you? He abandoned you to keep you safe. If he really loved you, he would never have left," she said, gritting her teeth together.

"How would you know what love is?" I asked calmly, trying my best to conceal my anger.

"I know what love is, and the things that Edward does for you aren't love." She said.

"You don't know what love is. If you did, you would know that we have love. It's because no one has ever loved you Annabeth. You'd be lucky to have a relationship like ours," Edward said. Annabeth's face hardened.

"Edward, I would like to point out that you barely know me. You know I'm in a relationship, but you don't know any of the details of it, but you still have the gall to tell me that no one has ever loved me. You've only known Bella for nearly two years, and you were gone for most of it. From what I've seen and heard, your relationship doesn't seem like love, and I definitely know what love is," she growled softly. Edward looked slightly intimidated by her speech.

"Now get the hell out of my room." Edward and I began to head toward the door, but Edward looked like he wanted to have the last word.

"Annabeth, the fight is in a few days. Be prepared."

(Twilight/Percy Jackson Crossover) SecretWhere stories live. Discover now