A Study in Femininity

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being a woman is hard and i created this challenge to emphasize female struggles, experiences, stereotypes, etc. 

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one: write a chapter in which a character spends Valentine's day alone.

two: write a chapter in which a female character catcalls a male, contradicting standard stereotypes.

three: write a chapter based off of this quote: "When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch." ― Bette Davis

four: write a chapter in which a character makes a late night journey to the store to satisfy an unusual craving and meets someone special (a friend, a love interest, etc.).

five: write a chapter in which a character purchases a glorious pair of stilettos after a hard day.

six: write a chapter in which a character menstruates through their clothes in an odd setting, creating an uncomfortable situation.

seven: write a chapter in which a female character finally stands up to someone she has always submitted to.

eight: write a chapter in which a female character is forced to use the men's bathroom for one reason or another.

nine: write a chapter in which a character consults his/her/their best friend about someone they like.

ten: write a chapter in which a male character challenges a female character to something, and the female character wins.

eleven: write a chapter in which a character tries but fails to play it cool after a love interest texts him/her.

twelve: write a chapter in which a female character purposely burps/swears/farts and/or itches a private part after discussing manners and what is ladylike with someone else.

thirteen: write a chapter in which a character is caught dancing to an empowering song of your choice.

fourteen: write a chapter in which a female character buys tickets to a sporting game (baseball, basketball, football, etc.) and invites someone else along with her.

fifteen: write a chapter in which a female character refuses to shave (legs, arms, armpits, etc.) for work/school/etc. in protest and wears dresses/skirts/short sleeve shirts to show off her lovely hair.

sixteen: write a chapter in which a character is caught playing video games during a sick day.

seventeen: write a chapter in which a character is stuck in front of an insanely attractive person in line whilst buying pads/tampons/lingerie/bras/condoms/comfort food or any combination thereof.

eighteen: write a chapter in which a character has a pregnancy scare and celebrates the false alarm with a shopping spree.

nineteen: write a chapter in which a female character initiates a kiss and/or asks someone out.

twenty: write a chapter in which a character has a girl's day/night out with friends.

twenty-one: write a chapter in which a character forgets they are wearing makeup and rubs their face, smearing their mascara/eyeliner/etc. and goes on a date without realizing it.

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