I Wish I Could Help You.. But I Don't Know How To..

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Dear Diary,

There's always going to be those really important people in your life whom you love with your whole soul. Like not as in boyfriend, girlfriend love, but brother, sister, bestfriend love. And it kills you inside when they're hurting mad you don't know how to help right? It makes you want to take their pain for yourself or just take the pain and beat it to a bloody pulp.

Well if you're my friend sister/brother type thing, I'm here to try to help you. I may not be able to all the time, and yes I do have my own problems, but that's irrelevant. If I allow you to enter into my life, chances are you matter more to my than my life. And ill do anything to make you happy.

Even if its over a stupid guy. I know what its like to be depressed over one of those. Come to me for help

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