Chapter 3

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Eläne POV
Finally Sinbad and I reached our little meeting room with the others already waiting.
"I believe the Fog Troop with strike either the mansion of Aljaris, the wealthy merchant, or Halub." Ja'Far notifies us.
"What makes you say that?" Sinbad asks
"I've been giving out false information on the military's movements." He pauses. "And there seems to be Fog Troop sympathizers in the government too..."
"Within the government too, huh?" Sinbad ponders for a bit.
"Apparently, the Fog Troops popularity is soaring beyond our expectations..." Listening intently, I look between Ja'Far and Sinbad. (Too lazy to write out dialogue 😅)
Soon after, I follow behind Morgiana and Aladdin as we walk through the city at night. Fog then starts to cloud around us. I look around and see it's starting to turn red, my eyes open wide and I cover my mouth, looking to see Morgiana has jumped off with Aladdin.
Using my own skills, I jump from roof tops to reach the two children.
I land next to them and see Ja'Far talking with them.
"It seems as thought the Fog Troop are making their move." He says looking in the direction of which they headed. I look at him and nod
"I'll go with Morg and Aladdin, you go ahead Ja'Far." I tell him. He bows his head and heads off.
Us three make our way towards the mansion(Is that right?). Deciding to start a conversation, I ask Aladdin.
"So you're a Magi, right?" I ask him, tilting my head a bit.
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm not really familiar with it. So I'm just learning about it." I nod my head.
"I'm guessing you know about a Sinbad?"
"Yup! He's really nice, isn't he Morg." She nods her head and lets out a hum for her response. (WARNING-Spoilers from Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
"You know, we used to travel together. My favorite adventure was when we met Queen Mira of Artemyra, well former since she retired not too long ago." I tell them with a smile on my face.
"When she sent Sinbad, Ja'Far and Mystros into the pit near the secluded village, it was a sight to see." I pause. "Of course I was worried about them." I giggle remembering their surprised faces. "As it was an all female village, they had given me a spare pair of clothes so I could change out of my dirty ones."
"That's a cool story Aunt Eläne!" I look at him with wide eyes
"Aunt Eläne?" He nods with a smile
"If you're Aunt Eläne, then Sinbad is Uncle Sinbad." I giggle and scratch my neck
"If you say so." I turn back and see we are in the courtyard where a bunch of people are. Pushing them behind me, I look up and see Ja'Far close by.
"I'm going to meet with Ja'Far. Stay. Here." I tell them sternly.
Silently jumping up, I land next to Ja'Far, startling him. I look down at the group and see one of the men had cut a hole into the stone wall.
I hear him shout to the group as to signal to them that they can enter the mansion. Before they can run in, Ja'Far and I had caught some of them in his rope and I had caught some in mine as well. Glaring down at them, we hear one of them shout
"Is it the military?!"
"Not quite. But I have my own reasons for capturing you." Ja'Far states coldly. He jumps down and land on the ground when a black dog covers him.
"Ja'Far!" I shout in worry as I jump down with him, dodging the black fog that comes my way. I hear Ja'Fars strained voice
"Is this another one of their magical weapons?" He whispers
"That's right." We hear a voice say and I look over to a boy who has maroon hair, which looks like it's in dreadlocks. "It's the Black Binding Fog Sword." The boy says almost proudly. "And you won't be taking a single step."
"Cassim!" A girl shouts out.
'So that's his name.' I think to myself. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I'm suddenly knocked down. Screaming out in surprise, Ja'Far looks at me with wide eyes.
"Your Highness!" I struggle to stand, giving Ja'Far a strained smile. My smile drops when I'm smashed onto the ground.
"Gah!" I yell out as my stomach feels crushed.
"Let her go!" Ja'Far screams at Cassim.
"Not until you let our comrades go." Cassim states calmly. Reluctantly Ja'Far let's the people go, also setting my bindings free.
"Now, who are you?"

The Queen of Sindria (Sinbad fanfic) [Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic]  Where stories live. Discover now