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     "Why don't you sing and play the piano anymore?" is a question I always receive, now that I've officially quit doing so and I'm determined to keep it that way for the rest of my life. I never really respond to that topic, because the words "sing" and "piano" had the ability to make me stay frozen and look down to my feet, along with a dull aura surrounding me.

     I have not touched and played any piano nor sing for three years; three years, four months, and seventeen days ever since I stood from my black, cushion seat and told myself, "I'm done." It hadn't really gotten my attention anymore. 

     Let me rephrase, it actually did, numerous times. Inside my house, there is this wide room that was big enough to fit a piano and a small choir. Whenever I came inside that room to study math, I'd remember a few years back I would play the piano and sing along with my friends and family during the holiday season. It was a time full of laughter and joy, like any typical special occasion. The lyrics of our overall favorite song had become a blur to me now, this was all I remember:

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

In the lane, snow is glistening

A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight

Walking in a winter wonderland

Gone away is the bluebird

Here to stay is a new bird

He sings a love song as we go along

Walking in a winter wonderland

     But I didn't only play during holidays. Of course I'd compete in contests and join on-stage performers with famous pianists and musicians that played other instruments. I was well-known in the music industry, and in many countries as well. I was a child prodigy on the piano, and I guess I was a good singer. I enjoyed sharing my past passion with my audience, who were full of countless individuals awaiting my performance. 

     I'd walk onto the stage along with my accompanist, my best friend Riley, who was a violinist. We'd bow down and got in our positions after the audience applauded with a boom.The both of us wild, but we were elegant and kept the music authentic to it's rightful composer. We sometimes added our own measures of composed music to make it more up-beat and to keep the audience awake. Afterwards the judges would give the both of us positive feedback on our confidence and performance. 

     "Justin!" Riley was throwing his pairs of Adidas shoes at my window, aggressively attempting to grab my attention. 

    I was deep into my thoughts retracing my distant memories. The voices in the outside world were faint, as if I were underwater. So I then glanced over at him with a quiet groan. The one thing that I hated about living in this house was that I was next-door neighbors with Riley. Our rooms were side-by-side, so we could completely see each other from our window unless we put down our curtains or blinds.

     "What do you want from me, dude?" I opened my window, sitting down on the small seat that was right in front of the window so I didn't have to stand.

     "Wanna go out with Kairos and I to do some Christmas shopping? We're gonna buy several presents for Christmas and some decorations for the winter festival at school," Riley asked as he chewed on his bubblegum and blew several ginormous bubbles until they popped.

     "I'll pass. I honestly could care less," I shrugged it off, beginning to close the window.

    But Riley was lucky that my window resisted from sliding down shut, it wouldn't budge with my strength alone, therefore I had to listen to his same lecture after the thousandth time. "Justin, you never walk anywhere or do any exercises. You should at least come walk with us. You're gaining weight and becoming more lazy."

     "You're not my mom." 

     "Just- please?" He begged, his eyebrows narrowed upwards and his mouth formed into a slight frown. His expression was strong, he was very eloquent and verbal and often asked me many questions and favors. But I just wanted this to end and leave him out of my isolation party in my room.

     I sighed and nodded slightly, "Fine. Just so you guys can leave me alone afterwards." 

     "Yay! Get dressed right now, Kairos is going to pick us up soon and drive us over to the mall."

    "You.. actually planned this out?"  

     "Only if it worked, and surprisingly it did." He laughed, "Get ready, bro."

     I rolled my eyes at him and stood up, closing my window and opening my closet to find something to wear. I didn't forget to close the blinds so my naked presence wouldn't be exposed to Riley and the world. I pushed aside the pieces of clothing I didn't feel like wearing to the right, and I unhooked the hanger of a black sweater and another hanger of a black t-shirt that had a design of Twenty One Pilots on the front. I looked for my slightly ripped, black jeans and put all of those on. I get it, I'm edgy, I'm not the type to dress in bright, neon colors. I grabbed my phone and my earbuds and walked downstairs and towards my door. I quickly put on some black Nike shoes and unlocked my door. I was startled when Riley and our other friend Kairos were already waiting for me at my door.

     "How in the world do you guys come so fast?"

     "I don't know, maybe you take such a long time and don't even notice how long you it takes for you to prepare. You're like a snail," Kairos laughed quietly and shrugged.

     "A slug, even," Riley added. The two of the snickered.

     "Okay, quit it. Quit it. I'm going out only for you guys, so don't make me regret my decision," I kicked Riley in the shins as a smirk appeared across my face as he bent over in agonizing pain.

     "Jesus Christ, fine. Let's go," Kairos ended his period of laughter and tease because he didn't want to feel my wrath.

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