Early Rendevous • I

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Background Story: You went camping with a group of people you both know and you're only his "friend", but lately you've been unconsciously flirting.

Y/N-your name
H/N-your bf or your crush
H/F/N-his friend's name
"Hey y/n." you heard a whipser, you decided to ignore it thinking you were probably dreaming. "Y/n, can you wake up please?" the voice said really soft but you could clearly hear that it was a guy voice. suddenly it hits you and you realize it's h/n telling to wake up! you immediately sit up but, tries not to make a lot of noise. "omg, h/n what are you doing you're not suppose to be in our cabin!" you whisper yell. what was this guy thinking? "I couldn't sleep all night..." h/n says quietly. "hold up let's get out of the cabin before we wake anyone else up." you say. you grab your blanket, another sweatshirt, and your phone. you two slowly make it out of the cabin and it's clearly still dark outside. you check your phone and realize it's barely 4 in the morning. "h/n you gotta be kidding me!" you whisper yell again, "what?" he asks dumbfounded, "it's barely 4 in the morning and you wake me up for this!" you reply, "well, i did tell you i couldn't sleep." he replied while scratching the back of his head. right now your emotions are all over the place, you're happy that he picked you to wake up, but why must you pick this time? "y/n?" h/n popped your thought bubble, "yeah?" you respond not looking at him but at your phone still realizing it's only 4am and your sitting next to h/n. "do you wanna go to the beach and see the sunrise?" he asked casually, "wait what?" you were in disbelief by his question, "i just said..." he was about to repeat the question until you interrupted him, "i got your question but what if the parents notice we're gone?" you ask, "then that means we'll have to be back before they wake up." he said with a smirk written all over his face. "if we were to go, how will we get there? you didn't drive up here." you said with a little bit of sass. it was a little too early for your full on sass. "all night i thought this through so hear my plan. i took h/f/n keys so we'll take his car, spend an hour there and watch the sunrise, start heading back to the campsite before the sunrise ends, you and me start on breakfast for everyone." he said confidently, "okay smart boy, let's the show started!" you started walking until he grabbed your wrist and made you turn around, "I like this side of you y/n." he said with a smile on his face. You start heading down the slippery hill and into h/f/n's car. H/n starts the engine, you two buckle up, and headed to the beach. "Hey y/n, do you remember the way to the beach?" he asked in a very small nervous voice, "Are you seriously asking me that question?" you wide eyed him, "Well, it's been a very long night." he tried to reason with you, "Just keep driving until I tell you to turn." you told him. Eventually you both get to the beach and you slowly made your way down to the sand. You laid out your blanket, you both sat down and looked out at the rising sun. It was a once in a lifetime moment. Who would ever think you'll be sitting on the beach next to h/n and looking at the sun rise. "Wow!" you unconsciously said, "What?" he asked, "This feels like a dream come true." you say still looking at the horizon, "Well, you've always been my dream y/n." he says quietly, "What did you say?" you turn to look at him and guess what, he's already looking at you. "You've been my dream girl since day 1." he continued. You didn't know what to say. This is happening all too fast and you don't want it to end. "Y/N, look at me!" he catches your attention, you look him in the eyes with a pout, "Can we not be friends anymore? I can't take it that we're "just" friends, I need you with me at all times no matter what and not as a friend." he confessed. He's seriously taking your breath away as if he doesn't already. You can't take any longer either, you grab the back of his head and pull him into a kiss. You no longer cared that the sunset was even ending, what matter was that you also need him. You pull away from the kiss with a huge smile on your face. "H/n, I need you too!" you tell him. He grabs your hand, "From now on you are mine and I am yours." he says with puppy eyes and the dorkiest smile you've ever seen. You both make it back to the camp without anyone ever finding out. This small adventure was you two's secret.

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