Suprising Support • II

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Y/N-your name
Y/G/L- your grade level
Y/F/N-your friend's name
H/N-his name
Y/S/N-your school name
O/S/N-the school's name you're running against
(super short imagines for our athletes)

It was the day of your track meet and
you were ready to beat people's butt. Everyday you've been practicing your sprints to get the best time possible. You know that you're not the best runner in the world but you enjoy running. The feeling of adrenaline running through you and hearing your name from cheering was the best part. "Alright, everyone line up! The bus is here!" your coach announces. You stand next to Y/F/N getting ready to get on the bus. "Girl, are you ready to run?" she jokingly asked, "Honey, I was born ready." you said with sass, "Now that's the Y/N I know." Y/F/N replied. You both got on the bus and chose a seat.

Once you got off the bus, the track you'll be running on greeted you. This was the track you've been waiting to run on all season long. "Y/S/N runners circle up! Get ready and start stretching those muscles! We don't want to pull a muscle while running now do we?!" the coach commanded. Your group started stretching, you and Y/F/N helped each other stretch out. Once you finished stretching, your group checked in with the manager to see what you'll be running today. You found out you'll be running the 100 meter sprint and doing high jumps. The two events you're most comfortable with. You went to find the bleachers where your school was sitting at and well enough they were sitting right next to O/S/N. You never liked them and never will. You pull out your phone and saw that H/N texted you, "Hey Y/N, I know you have your track meet today, sad enough I won't be able to make it, so I wanted to send you some support! Wish you get first since I know you will!" This boy really knows how to make you smile like a dork.

"All Y/G/L runners for the 100 meters, please make your way down to the track at this moment." the announcement for your run just went off. You slip off your normal shoes and put on your shoes with spikes for track. You went down the stairs and waited at the gate to see which lane you'll be running on. Turns out you're running in the second lane and O/S/N is running first lane. We'll see who the champion is. You got ready for the sprint and place your feet in the starters. All of sudden you hear, "GO Y/N! BE THE FIRST ONE! YOU GOT THIS!" you looked up and saw H/N holding a bright colored poster cheering you on. A smile grew on your face. He seriously caught you off gaurd. "Runners get ready, race starts in 5 seconds!" The starter announced. You get back to serious mode and put on the meanest look you got. "5...4...3...2...*boom*" the gun went off. You ran all you got, it was either go big or go home. You didn't care about anything, you got extremely mad out of nowhere and with that it made you run ever harder. All you heard were cheers of your name and encouragement. You saw the finish line and charged even faster. "The first place of the 100 meter goes to... Y/N of Y/S/N!" that was all you heard. You were so happy that you manage to beat O/S/N. H/N ran down the stairs, picked you up, and gave you the tightest hug you ever received. "Y/N I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU DID IT! YOU ACCOMPLISHED YOUR DREAM! MY GIRL DID IT!" he was screaming like a maniac. Your heart was beating out if control! You can't believe that your in H/N arms and he's congratulating you! "You know what you deserve In and Out tonight!" he declared all of a sudden, "H/N you can put me down now!" you say in between laughs. You start walking back to the bleachers and everyone started hugging you plus cheering you on. This day couldn't get any better wouldn't it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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