WANTED ♫Percy Jackson Fanfic♫

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The skies darken as a storm brews. About a block from Lancaster High, it starts to rain. "Well screw you too jerks!" I yell at no one, silently cursing the Gods. When I reach the high school, I find Valentine waiting for me. Standing under the roof soaking wet with his big green eyes, he looks like a lost puppy.

"Hey you." I say, bumping him and smiling. He just smiles, shaking the water off his hair onto me. "Hey yourself." He laughs at my glare. I make a face behind his back and start walking to my locker. Valentine had been my best friend since 8th grade when I was transferred here.

We were both outcasts, as we are now, who would rather believe in the Greek Gods because their cooler than God. (In our opinion, those religious people out there, PLEASE don't take this seriously!!!) "I still don't understand why you won't let me drive you to school. Crazy change from being soaked all the time but it wouldn't be bad." He frowns at my frown.

"You do know Val... I just can't." I shove my books into my locker, now thanking the Gods for not making everything fall back out. "Come on Penelope, it's been three years now!" I know it frustrates him but I can't help it. Tears spring in my eyes as I turn to walk to class. "I just can't ride in another car ok... not when I can be endangering that driver too."

He grabs my hand but I slip out of his grasp. "Penny, it wasn't your fault" Running before he says more, I round a corner to go to class, bumping straight into Kylie and her clique. I keep running but a shrill scream slows me. "YOU FREAK! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"  Stopping dead in my tracks, I clench my fists and slowly turn on my heel to face a pink smoothie covered Kylie. Biting my lip to keep from laughing, I speak in a calm voice. 

"Are you trying out a new style Kylie? Pinks not really your color, maybe purple?" Before she realizes whats happening, I grab her friend Casey's blueberry smoothie and dump it over her head. She screams and pushes me back against the lockers. "You're going to regret that freak." She growls and turns to her friends. "Well?! Why aren't you getting me new clothes!!" She screams and throws up her hands like her life is so hard.

Rolling my eyes, I walk to my sudden death by boredom*cough cough* What? Who said that? Noo, I  totally said English. Sitting in the back by the window, I stare out over the roof at the city. A fast movement catches my eye and I sit up quickly, trying to see what it was. "Mizz Polly, may I help you?" Mr. Moore asks me, closing the blinds. "It's Penelope." I growl.

"Yes yes, I know I'm a brilliant teacher. Now could you tell me what Mr. Poe meant in this poem?" I look up at the board and try to decipher the poem. The jumbled words mean nothing to me. "I don't know, could you throw away those magazines in your desk drawer and get a life?" His face answers me pretty well.

And that is how I ended up in the Principals office my first week of school. 50 points for Gryffindor? The door opens, interrupting my thoughts of running away to Hogwarts, and a short man with peppered hair steps out. "Miss Montgomery I presume?" 

"You've got the wrong person, I'm Buddy the elf! I was sent to bring you back home!" I chirp happily. He stares at me, speaking in monotone. "How clever. Step into my office please." 

"I'll make you a deal midge, I'll go into your office if you grow a few feet." Ever had a Chihuahua  growl at you? That's about as threatening as this man sounded as he led me into his office, grumbling the whole way. "So .. you got the money?" I say, kicking my feet up on is desk. He gets in his high chair er, chair, and pushes my feet off the desk. 

"Enough jokes Miss Montgomery, let's cut straight to the chase.  Detention, for a week. Anymore funny business and I'll expel you, are we clear?" 


"Good. Now get back to class." He growls and turns his chair, facing away from me. I make a face at him and walk out, walking to class. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2013 ⏰

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