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About a year has passed since the last chapter  ;)))))))))))

"Philip!  Come on!  You can do it, just take one step-" Eliza cheered as Philip was trying, but failing, to walk towards her.  

"No!  No! No! No!  I can't walk!" Philip cried as he sat down on the floor, a pout appearing on his face. 

"Alright then, you can play with your teddy while I go make dinner," Eliza sighed in defeat as she walked out of the room.

"Mkay, that worked well," Laurens laughed as he looked at Philip.  The small boy grinned and flailed his tiny arms about wildly.  

"Jahn!" Philip giggled, as he slowly crawled towards the translucent figure.  A hearty laugh escaped John's lips as the small boy attempted to touch his leg.

"Why can't I touch Jahn?" Philip cried in frustration, as his hand faded through the ghost's leg.

"'Cause I'm a ghost, Lip," John replied, laughing at the confused look on the small boy's face.  "So, 'Lip, do ya think you could stand up for me?" Laurens asked, while Philip shot a glare at him.

"Mmkay," Philip replied, as he carefully stood up.

"Now, take one step forward, just move your leg a little," John coached.  Philip carefully followed his instructions, and slowly placed his left leg a tiny bit in front of his right one.  "Nice!" John cheered as Philip looked up.  He looked so proud of himself.  There were starts dancing in his tiny, olive green eyes.  "Now, take do the same but with your other leg," John said.  Philip carefully placed his right leg just slightly in front of his left one.  

"Jahn! Jahn!  I did it!" Philip cheered.

"Yes you did!  Well done!  Now, do you think you could show your mother?" John cheered while squatting down so that he was on a more similar level to Philip.

"Did what?" Eliza asked as she came rushing into the room, almost fazing through John in the process.  

"Mama!  Look!" Philip shouted as he took another small step forward.

"Wow!" Eliza cheered.  "Well done Philip!  I am so proud of you!"

"Yeah, Jahn told me how to!" Philip replied, while smiling at, what Eliza saw, was thin air.  Little did she know that the ghost of John Laurens was practically doubling over from laughter at her confused facial expression.  

"She, *wheeze* looks so *wheeze* confused!" John laughed as he held his stomach.  

"Jahn!  Why you laughing?" Philip asked, as he attempted to waddle over to the ghost.

"Well Philip, I believe its time we show your father what you just learnt!  You can wait over here while I go get him " Eliza paused "with John."  

"Yay! Jahn stay!" Philip cheered as he looked at the ghost who just regained his composure.  

"Of course!" Eliza replied as she hurried out of the room to go get Alexander.  

As soon as Eliza had hurried out of the room, John had sat down in front of Philip.  As Philip was flailing his arms about and trying to take the three measly steps it took too get to his teddy, John came up with a brilliant idea.  "Hey 'Lip, do ya think that when Ale- your father, asks you to take a step you could say 'I am not throwing away my shot'?" he asked the younger kid, mimicking Alex's tone of voice.  

"Ya!" Philip cheered as he flailed his arms about carelessly.  "I am not throwing away my shot," he said, struggling to get some of the words out.  

                                                                               .  .  .

Eliza's thoughts were racing even faster than she was as she ran down the corridor and into Alexander's study.  Did Philip have an imaginary friend?  At such a young age?  And how did this friend react to certain situations?  Why did this imaginary friend seem totally different than Philip?  She halted her thoughts as soon as she reached the door to Alexander's study.

"Alexander?" She called out as she opened the door.  Alex carefully lifted his head up from the mountain of work that he was doing. 

"Yes Eliza?" he asked.

"Philip has something he would like to show you."

"Can't it wait?" Alex asked.

At this, Eliza was absolutely shocked, and almost disgusted.  "Alexander, you are never there for anything.  I thought you were going to take care of your son, be there for your son!  Now, get out here and spend time with your family," she spat.  The shocked look on Alexander's face had told her that her message had gotten through to him.  "Of course," he stuttered, as he left the room, and headed towards Philip. 

                                                                             .  .  . 

"Ok, remember what we practiced, 'I am not throwing away my shot'," John said, as Philip nodded in reply.  

"Philip!  Are you ready to show your father?" Eliza sang, as the two older Hamiltons barged into the room.

"Yes, Philip, could you show me?" Alex said softly.  Quickly, Philip shot a concerned glance towards John, who quickly did a thumbs up.

"I am not throwing away my shot!" Philip stated, attempting to mimic the tone John used.  Then, he carefully placed one foot in front of the other, and took three small steps forward.

"Wow!  You want to take another step forward?" Alex practically cheered.  

"Ya!" Philip shouted as he took two more steps forward.  

"Try to get to me!" Alex shouted, Philip continued to take small steps until he reached his father.

"Bravo!" Eliza cheered, as Philip then attempted to walk towards her.  The whole family, and John, was having such an excellent time - laughing, shouting, playing - that none of them noticed once the sun began to set.  They laughed into the night, their joy seeming infectious, and anyone who would even walk by the house would feel a rush of happiness.  If only their life would remain that way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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