• 22 things. [ tag ]

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was tagged by HOSEOKH0PE lucidtae ! (:

was tagged by HOSEOKH0PE lucidtae ! (:

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1. who would you like to see right now?

2. my favorite quote
"you never know what you have until it's gone." -anonymous

3. age
i'm fourteen, dead but mentally zero

4. top five turn-ons & turn offs

• turn ons
-when a guy smells nice (it's not weird okay)
-when a guy can carry a good banter
-when a guy is casual and decent
-when a guy is yoo kihyun

okay i don't know anymore HAHA

• turn offs
-when a guy eats messily like he hasn't eaten in 10 months
-when a guy just picks his boogers like its hygienic
-when a guy just acts like he owns all the girls in the world
-when a guy doesn't respect personal space

5. what was the last movie you watched?
i forgot the title but it has something to do with a suicidal guy that lost his daughter and stuff

6. top 10 tv shows
i dONT WATCH TV ANYMORE, but adventure time was my fav

7. top 5 blogs at tumblr
i don't have any favorites? but i definitely love the blog with seventeen text posts

8. if i ever tried alcohol/drugs
have not and will not

9. where would you like to live?
i honestly have no preference

10. story of my last kiss
it was on a poster of yoongi

11. if i'm missing anyone right now?
i miss a lot of people actually, especially my friends in school ;;

12. a fact about the person i like
his name is kihyun

13. 10 facts about me

-i love yoo kihyun and hong jisoo
-i was brought to this sinful world in april 5, 2003
-i have been a kpop fan for a year now !!
-i'm smol... like, really smol
-i'm an ambivert :)
-i don't deal with problems that well
-besides writing crap, i also do art, which is also crap tbh
-i love yoo kihyun pt. 2
-my friends say i'm a meme
-i might be a meme but iM HUMAN TOO !! :(

14. biggest regret
being alive

15. biggest regret whilst drunk
i'm underage wyd

16. a wish
i wish i was taller lmao

17. something you wish you didn't have to lie about

18. dream date
a stroll to starbucks, or anywhere calm

19. if you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

20. your best kiss
my lips are untouched so

21. something you don't like

22. best friend
i don't just have one :) taehyughs HOSEOKH0PE jimust

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