To magnolia

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Star and joy paid the taxi driver before leaving the cab and walking over to Lexi who stood there, chewing on a gum.

"Where is everyone else?"

"They received the information before you, so there halfway to magnolia as we speak" Lexi spoke, leaning against the station pole.

Star raised an eyebrow, "and you waited?"

Lexi rolled her eyes, "no. I missed it and it just so happened your cat took awhile to get the info to you"

Star felt a quick pang of hurt before pushing into the cage where she kept most of her emotions. "Whatever, and joy isn't a cat! She’s an exceed!"


Star nearly stumbled as Joy said that, lifting a bunched up paw into the sky. The words felt oddly familiar but star caught herself, regained her composure and ignored it.

Star sighed and looked around the station, "so how long till the next one gets here?"

"an hour" Lexi sighed as well and slipped down the poll unit she was sitting down. "but i can't be bothered to move"

Star nodded in  sign that she understood and joy wondered off to check out the vending machine of soda's . Star glanced around and heard a "gihi" she whipped her head around, a shadowed face with black, spiky long hair appeared in her mind for a second before disappearing as quick as it had appeared.

However, no matter how much star searched the crowds, she saw no one familiar in anyway, she turned slowly back to Lexi, asleep on the pavement.

"Star, are you ok?"

she turned to look down at the exceed. "Yes Joy, I'm fine... i guest. thought i heard someone is all"

"oh, you mean like Jasper or something?"

Star hesitated, "yes... Like Jasper"

And that dangerously familiar 'gihi' replayed in her mind.


 as star was looking around, paranoia filling her, she didn't pay attention to the time. And in what seemed minutes, the train was rolling in with a thunderous sound. The train slowed to a stop and star tried waking the sleeping Lexi on the ground.

"Lexi get up you lazy good for nothing!" Star growled as she tugged at the blonde's elbow, who still slept peacefully on the ground.

"Star, the trains going to leave" Joy flew over, her wings out to fly above the crowd that would surely trample her as the boarded.

Star huffed and then a plan drifted into her mind, simple and all but would work. "Joy, grab Lexi and fly her onto the train, don't worry I'll get on in a sec" she didn’t mention she was going to take a second trying to ease her craving for a cherry flavored soda. Star tripped a man so he would fall onto her, she faked a scream and went flying into the vending machine. 

People rushed to help and the train didn't leave for people where sticking their heads out of the doors (stupid people...) 

"miss are you ok?" the man she had tripped asked as others helped her to her feet.

"I'm ok thank you, just a bit of a shock is all..." star smiled warmly then faked panic. "oh know that’s my train!" everyone turned to the train to stop it and after a pause Star followed, finding some men holding the doors open for her. "oh thank you so very much sweeties, I hope i can see you again!" she called as the train began to move just as both her feet landed on the carpet of the train floor.

she walked graciously over to where she spotted the sleeping Lexi and worried Joy.

"star!" Joy exclaimed, jumping into her large chest. "it nearly left without you! but i stopped it!" Joy held a fist up as she floated in front of joy.

Star laughed and patted the exceed's head "I'm sure you did Joy, and that why i got you this!" she pulled out a cherry soda out of know where and handed it to joy, who struggled to open it, as it was just about as tall as her. (it was a large soda, ok?)

"what about you?" joy asked, shielding her soda suspiciously as the pair sat beside the now snoring Lexi.

"don't worry about me" star pulled the second can of cherry soda from thin air and opened it with a fizzing sound. "I got two"

Joy didn't complain, and drank the soda with pleasure.


"so Star and Lexi missed it?" Raven sighed as they stepped out of the train station and into magnolia's town square.

"apparently so" Jasper whispered quietly.

Ember turned to Jasper, "how did you get out of the fight with fairy tail that time?" 

Jasper turned her head slowly and stared at ember with her lazy green eyes, "Star gave me a plan and when titania attacked, she told me where to go and what not. so i avoided every attack and used there own dust for a cover escape"

"so you didn’t even land a blow?"

"there was no need to, there wouldn't be worth the magic power"

Axel sighed at that answer and they continued on.


ok people, that it for this chapter i hope it isn't too short and you all enjoyed it, ill be updating again soon!

This chapter is dedicated to Tashaloll

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