Cooler than Ice

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Jacks POV

"I mean it cant be too bad. I wonder what my colleagues would think, me about to call a fire team..." I thought to myself. But I guess I didn't really care what anybody really thought in my team all I knew was he was cute and nice, unlike a lot if the other fire team's staff.

I added the number into my phone as 'fire team' because if I were to base the entire fire team off this one sweet innocent soul, hey maybe the fire team wouldn't be so intolerable~

It rang once, twice, three times, the I heard the click of somebody picking up. "Hello?" Came his smooth voice, slightly altered by the phone trying to pick up his voice and all of its special features that makes it so nice to hear.

"Hey. You dropped something~" I told him, smirking.

There was silence on his end as he tried to figure out who was on the other end and after a few seconds, he was questioning. "Is this..."

"Its Jack. The medical you flirted with earlier. You dropped a piece of paper with your number on it assumably for me for if you had succeeded in your attempt to get me out on a date." I told him. God i hope he picked up on all that.

"Jack! Oh, sorry. Yeah uhm... well I... U-uhm... I just was... I was being prepared... And you're..." He stuttered to get the right words out and just couldn't find the heart to talk correctly.

"Hey" I cut him off. What I was about to do was risky, but you know what? I don't give a shit. The rest of medical can suck the back of my anus if they have a problem. "Do you like sushi?"

"Uhm..." He thought for a moment. "Yeah! Sushi is awesome!" He found his heart and it made him sound all bubbly and sweet. How did fire team get such an adorable guy? Usually medical gets the cute ones, reinforcements get the hardened ones, and fire team gets the lazy ones with bursts of adrenaline when they need it. But him? He's so sweet...

"Do you know the place across from the Best Buy? Sushi cart?" I asked.

"Oh! yeah! I love that place!" He said, again. So goddamn adorable.

"I wanna see you there at 6. No later, Fire Boy." I wanted to see how committed he was. If he was early, it means he's a little too into it and it might lead to pressured sex later. If he's late, it might lead to a relationship I'm going to have to drag along and nobody fucking wants that. But. If he's on time, it means he's willing to listen and he's also willing to understand, react, and communicate correctly, witch in turn is going to make my life easier, and the relationship will be much happier.

"You're taking me out on a date?~" He asked excitedly.

"No later than six, loverboy." I smiled and hung up.

Marks POV

Holy shit I don't have anything to wear. I just realized i am fucking out of everything to wear. I mean, my clothing is clean, but I don't fucking wear nice things! I've never been on a date in my goddamn life and I don't own any button-ups or anything! I mean... I have my lucky flannel? I don't know. He's a medical! Why is he taking me up on my offer?

Oh god. He's a medical.

If I don't go out and get something nice he's gonna look down on me and I'll be the scum of the earth! He's already going to look so clean and neat and oh god I'm going to look like a total looser compared to him! 

Get. It. Together.

He called you. He could've easily just thrown the paper away but he didn't. He called you. You just need to find the effort to get up and go. I'm sure whatever you look like won't effect the way he sees you.


Im going shopping.

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