Slow Dance

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Soft music was playing in the background. The sun slowly started to set in the south, while over the two lovers loud screams and yells were heard.

They softly danced on the balcony of the palace, their arms tightly wrapped around each other.

The war, which was above them, went unnoticed. At the moment it was just those two. The white palace shone in a soft pink.

"Yami?" The small king whispered and pressed the body of his lover closer to his own.

"Is it all ending today?" Yami smiled softly and laid his chin onto the head of his small Aibou: "Yes. I am sorry, my love!"

A soft sob escaped the lips of the king and he hid his face in the tunic of his beloved: "Why? Why us? Why you? Why me?"

Yami smiled sadly: "Because life is unfair." He softly stroked through the hair of his king and hummed quietly.

Yami still wasn't quite sure how they got together.

Yami started as a servant at the palace. Yugi was only a prince at the time. The little prince was happy. He was always smiling and everyone loved him. Yami was always near Yugi and Yugi was always nice to him.

When Yami was ill, Yugi took care of him and helped the doctors so Yami would get better soon. Yugi was always there for Yami.

They soon became friends and spend time together when Yami didn't need to work and Yugi didn't need to study. Yugi's parents weren't content with the relationship of his son and a servant at first but they started to grow fond of Yami because of his polite and nice behavior. After some time Yami was like family to them too.

Yami soon found himself falling in love with the young prince.

He could still remember the night he told Yugi about his feelings. It was a quiet night in Avalon. The stars and moon shone brightly, covering the city of light in a silver shimmer. Yugi was sitting outside in the garden of the palace, reading a book.

His legs were swinging softly over the bench he was sitting at. The shimmer was shining down on him, making him look like a fallen angel.

Yami stared at his prince in awe, before he shook his head and walked up to Yugi. "Y-Yugi?"

Yugi looked up and smiled happily: "Yami! What a surprise to see you here! I thought you were already sleeping!" Yami chuckled lightly and sat down next to Yugi: "I couldn't sleep... I hope I am not interrupting something! I would like to tell you something, if that's alright!"

Yugi giggled softly: "No, I don't mind!" He closed his book and put it aside: "Now tell me! You look like it's something important!" Yami looked down nervous and stuttered: "W-Well... I-I...

I just w-wanted to tell you t-that... I-I really like you!" Yugi chuckled innocently: "I like you too, Yami!"

Yami sighed: "Not like the normal 'I like you' more like the 'I like like you!" in like... 'I love you'." Yugi blinked surprised and whispered: "Y-You do? Y-You love me?" Yami blushed lightly and nodded, not able to answer. Not like he would know what to say anyway! Yugi just stared at him, not saying something either. After some minutes Yami whispered: "A-And?" Yugi blinked: "A-And what?" "What do you say?" Yugi took a deep breath: "I-I just can't believe that someone as gorgeous and amazing as you would love someone like me!" Yami looked at him confused: "What do you mean? Everyone loves you!"

Yugi smiled sadly and looked down: "Yeah, you are right... Everyone loves me... but they love me because I am the prince!"

Yami shook his head and turned Yugi's head, so Yugi needed to look at Yami and smiled lovingly: "I love you, because you are you! I love you because your smile makes me always smiling. I love you because your giggle is the cutest sound in the whole, wide world! I love you because you are happy when you want to be happy and you are sad when you want to be sad! You don't hide your feelings. You don't even try to! When I am with you, I can be who I want to be! I don't have to act differently when I am with you. You understand me. You can see when I am sad even when I am smiling. You were always there for me. We can understand each other without words. I don't love you because of your appearance and I know that you also don't like me because of my looks! I k-" He was suddenly interrupted when Yugi mumbled: "I love you too, Yami... I always did! It was always you!" He smiled softly and Yami smiled back.

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