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Hey guys im so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever but my idiotic brother deleted the app so I had to find it again and then find my account but I'll update again soon with the next chapter just need to think of what to write but I promise I will

I've been busy making a new one so I completely forgot about this one till I say. It had over 2000 READS!!!! like what the heck you guys are awesome

But Im really into this other book I'm busy on so I'll write the name down here and and it would be awesome if you guys could go look at it , it has 8 chapters so far but I update it every day at least 2 or 3 times so plz go read it there is going to be alot of drama coming up in it so betw 10 and 15 so if you wanna see what's happening there then go read this book

Falling for Austin Mahone

That's the name and the over of the book I'll update this as soon as possible I just want to get the other book further so go read that one so long and I'll update this one soon 😉😊

fell for my best friend Neels VisserWhere stories live. Discover now