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Three - Supposed Comfort

》S I G N E《

I stared at Jack as he also stared at his cut which was bleeding. The blood was flowing out of his wrist and dripping onto the floor, but he made no attempt to stop it.

Why on earth would he do that? He could run out of blood, or faint. Sighing, I asked him. "Sean, where is your First-aid kit?" But I got no response. "Sean." I called his name sternly, but it seems like he wasn't able to hear me.

"Jack!" He whispered something that I didn't hear. I removed my earphones and sighed. "Say that again?"

"On my desk. Have you forgotten already?" He asked while sighing. "Why are you doing this for me, anyways? I mean, I'm not like the others." He added, curiousity was written all over his face.

I smiled at him in response. "That's exactly why. You're different from them. I like that." Whether it may be from the dimness of the light that might be the cause of my eyes fooling me, either that or Jack actually blushed.

I removed my earphones and put my MP3 Player in front of him. "Listen to some music first. I'll go get it." I told him as I stood up and went to get his first-aid kit.

His desk was in the other room. It's not my first time going inside his room, but everytime I do so, I still feel awkward. It feels like I'm intruding his privacy.

"Sorry for the intrusion..." I whispered even though Jack couldn't hear me. I caught sight of the first-aid kit immediately so I swiftly got it and left his room.

I went back to the room where Jack was. It's like an extension, I guess?

"Signe," he called. I hummed in response as I knelt in front of him to treat his wound. "Why are you doing this for me?"

I smiled again. "Didn't I tell you? You're different." I blocked out the music while treating Jack's cuts.

"And are you really trying to make me feel better?" He asked while chuckling. I was confused until I decided to listen to the music.

"Failure find me to tie me up by my neck 'cause I'm as bad, as bad as it gets."

"Oops?" I didn't notice that song was on my playlist! "Sorry about that." I apologized and went to change the song.

"Nah, don't change it. It's catchy." He smiled at me, making me nod in response.

"Don't mind us, we're just spilling our guts. If this is love, I don't wanna be loved. You pollute the room with a filthy tongue, watch me choke it down so I can throw it up."

I'm getting a bad vibe from this. And to my surprise, Jack laughed. "Well, this is my new favorite song." I finished bandaging his cut as he said that. "Thanks, Signe." He thanked me as I stood up and returned his first-aid kit.

"Aware, aware, you stalk your prey with criminal mentality, you sink your teeth into the people you depend on. Affecting everyone, you're quite the problem."

I regret changing my playlist. I don't know why, but the aura around Jack changed. It's like--

He seems 10 times more dangerous. He gives off that vibe that you shouldn't lower your guard around him.

"Jack be lethal, Jack be slick. Jill will live you lonely dying in a filthy ditch!" I heard him chuckle as he noticed that line. "Well, I'm loving the songs in your playlist, Signe."

Oh God.

"It proves that you can't trust anyone. Even me." He added. His eyes were showing an emotion that I didn't notice before.


"Who am I kidding? Let's not get overzealous here. You've always been a piece of SHT! If I could kill you, I would! But's it's frowned upon all fifty states! Having said that, BURN IN HELL!"

I noticed that Jack's expression changed after that. I'm getting a really bad vibe about this. I looked at him, worried, but he just smiled at me again, as if he could read my mind.

"So tell me, how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?"

At the exact time that line finished, his phone rang. I checked it and noticed that it was his facebook account. There was a message, however it was already read. So no harm reading it, right?

I know your secret. You better run and hide, I smell the blood of a petty little coward.

The user was blocked, as if he or she already deactivated his/her account. But the next message really scared me.

Karma's gonna come collect your debt.


Those are actual songs ^-^ I really love them, and I could somehow relate to them.

Are they familiar to you? I yes then IM'MA LOVE YOU FOREVER~

And yes, these are just introduction parts. I'm not really a fan of fast-paced stories, peace ✌✌

Although I'm not sure if it's good/not~

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