2. Flattery Gets You Nowhere, Mister!

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Elizabeth's POV

When I heard Harry mention something about Patrick stepping onto Julian's ''turf'', my heart immediately sank. I had no idea why, I didn't even like him... I think? But, they could of course, just be joking around. I mean, there was no way Julian had beaten me to getting in a relationship. I decided it couldn't hurt to do a little investigating, so I had put on my best smug face and approached the boys.

Upon returning to my seat after Julian's disappointing reply, I decided Julian was lying. His right iris twinkles when he's lying, barely noticeably, but still twinkles. I think I'm the only one who knows that, not even Joan or Patrick know. Whether he was lying about not having a girlfriend or not having a crush on someone, it still bothered me to no end, but I had to push it to the back of my head so I didn't fry my brain pondering over it.

''Elizabeth? Lizzie? Helloooo?''

The girls looked at eachother while rolling their eyes as I looked out the window dazedly.


I jumped. I quickly whipped my head around to face the owner of the voice and was met with Belinda raising her brows at me, her arms crossed, while the rest of the girls smiled slightly in amusement. Looking around the carriage, I saw everyone was looking at me and Belinda, surprised at her sudden outburst.

''...Uhm, hi?'' I replied with a look of surprise on my face. I made the shooing motion to the onlookers so that they minded their own business. Julian gave me a strange look before getting back to his chat with the boys.

Kathleen giggled. ''Lizzie, were you even listening to us?''

I laughed nervously. ''Pfft, of course I was! Belinda and Jenny were just discussing... this cool new boyband's interview... on a... a uhm... a magazine!''

Shaking her head, Jenny responded. ''No. Not even close, we don't even like boybands.''

I scratched the back of head sheepishly. ''Hehe... sorry guys. I was just distracted about something.''

''Well, care to share, Elizabeth, or are you too stupid to do that too?'' Arabella said snarkily from the seat in front of us. This caused some people to look at us while saying stuff like ''ooh'' and ''yikes''. Including Julian and the boys.

That. Was. It. Arabella's snarky little side comments always irritated me, but without Joan, the angel sitting on my right shoulder to hold me back, I was ready to unleash all the rage and annoyance I had aimed at her. Times like these are when I wish Joan's around if for whatever reason she's not.

''You, mind your own business. Is this a new hobby of yours, to eavesdrop? Last I checked, no one was talking to you. And you want to know why? Because you only have one friend anyways, and she only hangs  out with you because she thinks you're pretty. Which you're so not by the way.''


Suddenly, everyone's attention was on us. Arabella looked beyond shocked, and I could see tears pooling in her eyes, ready to stream down at any moment. For a second there, I felt guilty, and when I glanced for a split second at Julian, I could tell he thought I took things too far. He just stared at me with the most disapproving glance I had ever seen.

But then Arabella angrily wipes her fresh tears away and looks at Julian. And then I see it. That look of realization in her eyes, that evil glint, and I could tell she was scheming something. I watch her as she slowly gets up from her seat, allowing the tears to stream down now, and begins sobbing. She seems as if she's making her way towards me, but then she stops right next to Julian, facing me though, so only I and the girls could see the malice in her eyes.

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