The Awakening

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*Roxi's View*

There was a beautiful field, so green and lively, breathtaking. There were beautiful flowers, daisies and many different colored roses, gorgeous. There was a beautiful sun that shone down an invisible sleet of happiness and warmth, comforting. There, a giant and soft bed that stretched out for miles laid in front of me and promised, whispering, of sweet things. Just as I had tried to cross the border line earlier, my paw slowly crept onto the soft field. As soon as it relaxed into the bed it was ripped away violently and suddenly I remembered everything.

My surroundings were suddenly pitch black and my neck started to burn ferociously all the while my left paw was being crushed under an unknown force.My throat started to become incredibly sore as if someone had shoved a sheet of sandpaper down it and scrubbed at the flesh violently. My lungs felt as if they had been ripped from their places. My entire body was shaking from this unbearable pain and I let out an ear-piercing cry.

Where's the beautiful field? Where's the beautiful flowers, the beautiful sun?

And then there the devil was, snarling his pearly white teeth at me hungrily, his fur rising. His pupils were engulfed by a sea of red that took over his normal piercing, black eyes.


He was far away but I could still make out his horrid figure. As he got closer he started to grow much bigger than any regular fox would. He was so tall, he covered the pitch black sky.

He huffed evilly in my face and laughed manically, "Little bitch! You don't deserve any kind of happiness! NOW DIE!"

He lunged towards me and sunk his sharp teeth into my throat, painfully gnawing away at my flesh.

I awoke with a jump, gasping for air.

"So you're finally awake," a wolf announced from across the fire, throwing a leaf bag full of berries in front of me, "You need to eat or you won't heal, foxy."

I stared at the handsome wolf in freight and confusion before jumping up on all four of my paws and backing up slowly.  I held my defending stance and came to a stop, snarling softly.

"Who are you?!" I asked, trying to sound fearless but my voice cracked weakly.

He laid down at his spot, his gorgeous hazel eyes piercing my soul, "My name is Ky and I'm judging by the way you're so tense you noticed that I'm a wolf."

I didn't move but I looked him up and down in fear.

"I'm not like the others. I won't hurt you, I promise," he said softly.

"How can I possibly be sure of that?"

"Well, for a start, I wouldn't have tried to save your life if I wanted you dead," he retorted, rolling his eyes with a small chuckle, "And I thought foxes were supposed to be clever."

I looked down and saw all my bandaged up wounds and glanced back up at him, "Why? Why did you save me? You don't know me."

He sat up straight, his beautiful eyes piercing mine ever so heavenly, "I told you I'm not like the others. They're all obsessed with mates and war - I absolutely could not stand their aggressiveness. As you can tell, I hate futile conflict."

I relaxed slightly, slowly sinking back onto the soft grass and resting my head.

"So, what even happened to you, foxy?" he raised a thick eyebrow at me curiously.

"... I just tried to climb a tree and fell is all." I lied.

"I don't much appreciate being lied to after I saved your life, " he growled.

I tilted my head down in shame, "I'm sorry but I can't tell you."

I heard him get up swiftly in a rush to get to my side. At first I thought I had offended him and made him angry so I flinched away, scared of what he would do to me.

But at a second glance, I realized that was not the case.

A wolf emerged from a thick tree and smirked at the wolf in front of me. I watched as the wolf from the shadows walked confidently over the spot Ky was at a moment ago. His eyes suddenly raced to mine and I gasped from how icy they were; they were so surreal. His grin stretched as he tilted his head to the side to get a better look at me.

"My, My! What have you got there, Ky? A fox?" he skimmed my figure up and down, "She's real... delicious..." he trailed off, licking his lips.

"Despite the wounds of course!" the wolf from the shadows added, humorously.

But Ky didn't think it was funny. He growled protectively and snarled at him.

The wolf from the shadows grinned even bigger, "Oh precious Ky, if you weren't the alpha then I would tear you to pieces... and take your little play thing too."

My eyes widened in shock as I glanced up at the tall, dark, and handsome wolf. He was the alpha? I'm messing with a pack's alpha? Things couldn't get worse.

And as I thought that, I watched from the sidelines as Ky lunged at the wolf. The wolf backed up and whimpered in fear as Ky stood towering above him. "You're all talk and no walk, Connor." he growled between clenched teeth, "Don't threaten me and don't you ever think you're good enough to lay your dirty paws on her. If you ever touch her, I'll rip YOU to pieces, got that?"

He nodded cautiously before running back into his shadow realm.

"Alpha?" I asked, frightened.

He flinched but didn't turn around, "Yeah."

My ears popped up curiously and I tilted my head to the side, confused, "No Luna? How is that even possible?"

He glanced over at me and I could feel the intensity in his eyes, "I don't care about mates first off and second... I was a human turned into a wolf. I don't get to have a mate."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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