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Her hoodie was up to her head covering her face, she was wearing her finest sunglasses. Her gun was as always in the holster on her hip. She kept reminding herself that this was simple, she just had to get the target and leave. That was it. Nothing she hadn’t done before. She walked down the street in her usual pace, blocking out the memories for now. She didn’t have time to be sentimental about any of it. She checked her phone, deleted all the messages of his that asked repeatedly if she was ok and checked on the location. She made a right turn like her phone said and found herself in front of an old apartment building. While she was going in, an old lady ran out, looking scared. Amelia reached for her gun and ran up the stairs to the 5th floor where the signal was coming for. She followed, said signal to number 5B, the door was already open and she went in carefully. There was nobody there. There was only a computer in the middle of the room, running several files. She took of the flash drive and stopped the task.

She looked around again, wondering why on earth that lady ran out if the building so scared. She must have seen or heard something.

“hands in the air" said a man behind her.
Bloody hell, she thought. “were you hiding in the closet?”
“point is I got you.”
“do you even know who I am?”
“all I know is that people will pay good money for you. I don’t much care about your name”
“you should. It’s a good one.” She turned around to face him. He was aiming at her with a rifle.

“drop you gun" he warned.

She slowly ducked to leave her gun down when they both heard people running up the stairs. When the man was distracted, she shot him in the leg. He fell down, dropping his rifle, she kicked it away from him. The steps were getting closer and safe had no time, she ran outside. That’s when she saw him. “damn" she murmured and started running upstairs to the roof

“I HAVE A SUSPECT ON THE MOVE" She heard one of them saying and ran faster. She opened the door to the roof and looked around for closest place she could jump on. She sprinted to the edge of the building and jumped on the next one. She shot the lock to the door that headed downstairs and continued running. She knew he was close behind her but she didn’t look back she just kept running until she was finally outside on the pavement. She pushed away civilians, bumped on little kids. Her feet were going as quick as possible and yet she feared she wasn’t quick enough.

She jumped over a fence, landing on someone’s garden. Their dog started barking but she outran him too until she was back on the street again. She fell on an old woman that started cussing and cursing “be more careful” she said. She crossed the road, almost getting stepped on when she did. That delayed her, unlike the man chasing her who was more careful and started getting up to her. She didn’t really know where she was going anymore, she just needed to get away but he was so close behind she couldn’t hide anywhere.

She crossed the street again, she glanced back on for a short second. Next thing she heard was a horn, she looked to her right. A huge bus was coming towards her, she looked forward to keep running and then in a short second she felt her entire body pushed on the pavement. She groaned in pain, her gun slipped of her hands- she crawled to reach it and get away from him. She kicked him on the face so he’d let go and he did but as she stood up, he grabbed her angled and pulled her down again. She fell with her stomach on the pavement, placed her hands correctly so she wouldn’t hit her head. He reached for her gun before she had time to add pointed at the back of her head. She heard the gun safety going off and she knew she was defeated.

“I’ll be honest I haven’t had a run like that in a while- Stand up! Slowly” he demanded.

She put pressure in her hands, thinking about a possibility out of this but almost like he read her mind he warned not to think about running “I swear to God I’ll shoot! Turned around smartass”

She gulped. Raised her hands like a good criminal, took a breath while her entire body shivered and turned around. She watched him from her sunglasses, staying still, maybe there was still a chance she could run or maybe not “take off the sunglasses!” he ordered. If only he knew how easier his life  would be if she didn’t do that. “now! You smack!”

She took her hoodie off first, revealing her long brunette curls, her red cheekbones. It seemed like this was enough because he had already lowered his gun, looking at her like she was a monster.

“take off the sunglasses” he repeated but this time it wasn't an order it was a plead. His voice came out so broken. She did. She took them off and she saw him turning as white as a sheet. He lowered the gun completely, looking at her in fear, anger, disgust, sadness, hope and confusion all in one.


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