Jai Brooks and Luke Brooks dirty imagine

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So it's yours and Jai's 5 month anniversary, your afraid he has forgotten but your also excited! You were just out for a walk as you walked through the door you can see Jai in the living room watching something. You don't really know what it is so you try to sneak around the corner but the second he sees you he changes it. "Jai?" You ask. "Yea baby" he says. "What were you watching in there?" "Oh nothing" he says. He walks over and says "happy 5 months!" "You forgot didn't you!" You say. "No bang I swear but I won't be home tonight" "WHY?!" You scream almost crying "baby I promised Daniel and James we could go clubbing tonight!" "Fine" you say as you put your hands on your hips as you walk away. *that evening* you were walking across the hall way when you hear moans coming from Jai in his bedroom, you see the door open a bit so you walk in to find him touching himself will watching a dirty movie. You quickly laugh and run off. Later Jai is getting ready and so are you because you and Luke are going to get supper. You and Luke never had anything special going on but you were like best friends. "Bye Jai" you say as you give him kisses all over him face and now find your self going down his chest, he grabs your waiste and picks you up. You wrap your legs around him as he sets you on the couch where luke is on the other. You keep trying to get him but he has to go. "Later y/n" he says with a grin on his face. "But you have to catch me first!" You say as you grab his beanie and run to beaus room. You run to beau who is getting ready and hug him pretending to be scared. "Try and make him jealous for later beau" you whisper in his ear, beau then grabs you waist and pushes you up against the wall giving you kisses. "BEAU YOU CUN+!" You hear Jai yell. You run over to Jai as he try's taking off your clothes but you say "Later". You and Jai go out of the room and head downstairs. Jai kisses you on the cheek and says "ily and I'm sorry about this but ill see you later". He walks out and gets in the car with the boys accept beau and luke. Your sitting on the couch waiting for Luke as your phone rings. You run to answer it but it was just a text, "why were you dressed all fancy tonight babe?" It's from Jai. You reply "me and Luke are going to eat remember?" He replys quickly "what are you cheating on me?!" "NEVER!" You say back. Later you get a text that says "whatever". Luke comes out and you can't help but stare, he laughs as you keep staring. "Are you alright y/n?" He says with his raspy voice, "yea umm yea I'm fine" you say. He opens the door for you as you get in the car, he walks over and opens his door and gets in. He roars the engine of his amazing car and gives you a wink. You drive to your favourite Chinese food place. You ask eachother tons of questions well there. "You ready to go?" He says. "Yep" you reply. You get a drunk text from Jai which are need good. "Uh oh" you say as you get nervous "what is it?" Look says well looking over at you. "IT'S JAI IT'S WHAT BEAU SAID WE BEED TO GO HOME NOW!" You say well starting to break down crying. "Y/n WHAT IS IT?!" "DRIVE LUKE" you scream. Your almost there when your gas tank is 100% empty. Luke gets out and so do you an you start to cry. Luke comes over and pushes you against the car "baby don't cry" he says. "I'm fine" you reply, "wait did you just call me bab-" and you don't even get to finish your sentance before Luke starts kissin you and shoves his tongue in your mouth. "Luke stop!" You moan. You escape from his arms and back away. He picks you up and takes your high heel shoe. "LUKE GIVE IT BACK!" You cry. "Kiss me first he says with a horny voice. You throw your other shoe at him and run away as he chases after you. "Y/n I was only jokin I'm sorry okay?" You walk in the house to see everything te way it was accept there's a pair of high heels and Jai's shoes in the hallway. You walk down the hallway as you hear moaning, you see beau and run to him hugging him "beau what's going on?" You ask. "Y/n it's a hard thing to explain." You walk in Jai's bedroom to see some skank naked and Jai plowing into her "HARDER DAMN BOY!!!!!!!!" You look and cry. Jai looks up scared. "Y/N!!!!!" He screams. "IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY JAI THEN GAME ON!" You say in a sexy voice. "Luuuukey" you say all sexy. Want to play part two? He gets up and runs to you with Jai still sanding there half naked. Luke picks u up and takes you upstairs to the smoosh room. It's a room that they made so they could get it on and no one would hear them. "He throws you on the mattress on the floor and plows into you "LUKE. YOUR HUGE!" You scream so Jai can hear. You both moan at the same time from the sensation and Jai runs up and sits on the other side of you and you know what's coming next. 1.. 2.. 3! As the boys both plow into you you scream and lye down as Jai gets on top of you and kisses you. "I'm sorry baby ilysm Okay. Later that night you and Jai decide to watch a movie he's in the kitchen making nachos and your in your bedroom. You put on a tight short dress with glitter and have your hair down and he's wearing baggy sweat pants and a t-shirt. You walk up stairs to Luke's room and knock on the door, "lukey do you want to watch a movie with me and Jai;)" you say, "sure ill be down in a sec" he says. You run down to say Jai at the bottom of the stairs "why were you up there?" He asks "I was asking luke if he wanted to watch the movie with us, stop being such a dad;)" you say well smiling. He picks you up by the waist and kisses your neck making you horny and little moans keep escaping your mouth whic is making him laugh. "Oh my god Jai stop, baby stop please!" You whisper. Luke was standing at the end of the stairs when I saw him "Oh my god Jai!" He mimicked. "Luke stop being such a dick" Jai says. "So who wants to pick the movie?" You say. "I will" Jai says as he sits on the couch well you go to get two sodas and a beer for Luke "Baby get my one too" Jai said. "Jai you know what happens when you drink!" You said and Jai sighs grumpily. "Let's watch Raising Helen!" Jai says. "Jai we've seen it before" you said. "I haven't!" Luke says. "Ugh fine" you mumble. You take over the drinks and sit beside Luke on the other a couch because Jai is lying down on the other. You sit down by Luke and as the movie starts luke puts his arm behind your head and then you both start playing footsies. When Jai looks over he notices both of your body language and gets mad. He gets up and picks you up and puts you over his shoulder "I don't think so" he says well laughing. "Jai you ruin all the fun!" Luke says. Jai puts you on the couch then sits down and you sit beside him "oh come here you devil" he says as he pulls you on his lap with is raspy voice. You start moving you but back and forth a little on his d area of his pants. "Y/n stop your making me horny" Jai says "that's the point" you reply, "Shut the f up!" Luke yells with jealousy as you start grinding on Jai. "Baby come on" you say quietly. You can feel Jai getting harder and it's really turning you on. You sit beside him and quietly unzip his pants so luke can't hear. You slide your hand in his pants and start playing with him and he's getting harder by the second when all of a sudden a moan comes out of his mouth and luke looks over and pauses the movie "you got to be kidding me?" Luke says. You shyly hide behind Jai as much as you can and try to hide the fact your laughing. "Come here already" Luke says. He picks you up and takes you upstairs and locks the door behind him, he throws you on te bed and goes to the closet and comes out with handcuffs. "Luke stop!" You yell. "LUKE WTF ARE YOU DOING TO HER!" Jai yells. "OH GIVE IT UP JAI SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!" Luke reies to Jai. "JAI PLEASE" you scream as you run to the corner of the room so luke can't get you. "Stuck now you slu+!" He yells. "LUKE OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" Jai yells even louder. Luke grabs your waist turns to facing the wall and pushes you against it loudly as he grabs something from his pocket you try to get away but can't before you know it he has you handcuffed and you stuck to the wall as his sex toy. "JAI PLEASE!" You scream. "Y/n CALM DOWN HE'S LUKE YOU HAVE KNOWN HIM FOR ALONG TIME AND HE'S ALSO MY BROTHER HE WON'T HURT YOU JUST OPEN THE DOOR!" He yells. "I CAN'T!" You say almost crying. "WHY?"he yells scared . "LUKE HAS BE HANDCUFFED TO THE WALL!"you say. "FU** NO!" Jai screams! He runs downstairs and grabs his phone and dials beaus number. "BEAU!" He says, "yea?" "DO YOU HAVE THE KEY TO THE SMOOSH ROOM?" "Yes bro why?" "LUKE GOT y/n TRAPPED IN THERE HANDCUFFED AND HE'S DOING STUFF TO HER I DONT WANT TO THINK ABOUT!" "HOLY SHIT IM ON MY WAY ILL BE THERE IN 5!" And they hang up. *5 minutes later* beau pulls in the drive way and runs straight upstairs and unlocks the door to see your naked body against the wall handcuffed with Luke sucking your nipples. "Y/n!" Beau yells. "BABY!" Jai says running over to you covering you in a blanket hugging you. "LUKE WE NEED TO TALK" Daniel and James says as they run upstairs grabbing him. You and Jai start attacking eachother in kisses when you feel a warm kiss on you neck which you know is not from Jai. You moan and you hear a laug and then you know it's beau. "Beau stop!" You yell well holding on to Jai. "Y/n please?" He says "BEAU LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jai says as he pushes him out of the room. "Jai I'm scared" you say as you start to cry. "Baby Beau was just jokin and Luke's just... yanno he's a Luke he was jealous." Jai says. "Yea I guess" you say. "Now" he says as he leans you back uncovering the blanket off your body. "Wow baby" he says. He kisses your lips softy and starts giving your neck tiny kisses with each one a moan escaping your lips "ugh Jai" you say. He makes it down to your chest and starts sucking your nipples which makes you scream "JA- JAI" you say. He gets down to your v and starts licking you clit making you close and you just want him in you now. "JAI DONT TEASE!" You scream. "Alright" he says well smiling. He lets you adjust to his huge size and then goes fast into you. "JAI DOMENIC BROOKS!!!!" Uou scream loud. You signal him to stand up and you get on your knees and start sucking on his d which makes him scream and you couldn't believe he fit in you. "UGHHHH" he moans. Then there's a knock on the door, you walk over and open it to see like and he kisses you and says "I'm sorry!" He then picks you up and puts u on your back and goes as far as he can into you well Jai sucks on your neck. The end:) this is my first imagine so let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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