Chapter Four

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Christmas at the office was nothing spectacular. They all milled about until the floor manager, Wilbur Shufflebottom, passed out the checks and they'd be free to go enjoy the rest of their night. For the past three years, it had been the same. Cheap christmas decorations hung haphazardly among the cubicles and throughout the breakroom. Someone would print out mistletoe using black ink and hang it in some doorway they'd all avoid like the plague.

This night was no different. Bug-eyed santa faces stared at Calvin from every part of the room. This year, the mistletoe was taped above the break room entryway. Great, Calvin thought. That was where the refreshments were, nevermind how inedible they might be.

"Not very festive, is it?"

Calvin turned towards the voice. He thought he'd been alone, standing along the wall, bored. Yet there was a woman, her back against the wall, one leg crossed over the other at the ankle. A red plastic cup of what appeared to be Wilbur's own concoction of eggnog in her small hand.

She peered at him from the corner of her eye, her short platinum hair swaying slightly. Stunned, he could only shake his head, resisting the urge to let his mouth fall open in shock.

Was she talking to him?

He peeked to his right.


To the left of her.

No one.

So she had been talking to him.

"Um, no. It's always like this," he replied, averting his eyes. A burn worked its way up his neck, turning his cheeks scarlet.

"Boring?" She offered. He only nodded his head, wracking his brain for something to say. He was not well-versed in the socialization department. A simple exchange at the coffee shop? Sure. Lunch with Evan? Well, his friend handled most of the talking.

He almost breathed a sigh of relief when he caught his friend walking over, the familiar toothy grin on his face. "Hey, Calvin."

"Evan," he greeted with a small smile. Evan's presence alleviating some of the awkwardness he felt in that moment.

"And you must be Jessica," Evan turned towards the woman, offering his hand which she took delicately. "I heard we had a new girl on the floor."

"And you are?" She smiled earnestly.

"Evan Prior. Enjoying the party?" He questioned. Leave it to Evan to break the ice and take the pressure off of Calvin.

"Yeah, I can't believe they only do this once a year," she replied, sarcasm dripping from her words.

"My friend, Calvin, and I have said the same thing," he remarked, gesturing towards Calvin. That was his invitation into the conversation. Which he took unwillingly. Show up, get the christmas bonus, go home. That was the order. No one said he had to talk to people.

Calvin gave a pathetic wave, and moved to stand beside Evan. "You shouldn't drink that," he said, nodding towards the cup. "It doesn't agree with anyone."

"Thanks for the tip," she flashed him a dazzling smile. "Well, I'm going to go grab some water. That is safe, right?" Both boys nodded. "Great! Then I'll be right back!" She strutted away, one red heel in front of the other, her hips swaying from side to side with every step.

"Whoa," Calvin uttered. Letting out a breath as he felt the tightness in his chest release.

"She seems nice," Evan remarked. He ran a hand through his hair, succeeding in making a section in the back stick up on end. His gold ring band caught the light, prompting Calvin to ask, "How's Lori?"

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