Chapter 1

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What would you do if you ever found yourself falling for someone you should have never falling for in the first place? What if you also knew they were no good for you and eventually would in turn break your young, naïve heart? Well my story begins during my senior year of high school. My name is Ava and I am 17 years old. I live with my legal guardian who happens to be cousin, Marco. I never knew my father and my mother passed away when I was only 4 years old. Luckily for my mother's older sister Isobel and her, husband Uncle Lucas who took full custody of me and became my legal guardians after the death of my beloved mother, Maria. Life with my aunt and my uncle was a pleasant one they treated me like their own daughter so much so they even put aside a college fund that I will be able to access to further my education. However soon enough it all came to an end when aunt Isobel and Uncle Lucas died soon after my 17 birthday which was a few months ago. They decided to take a trip up to a cabin and spend a weekend there just the both of them but according to the cops a boating accident occurred and they both drowned. Which later left me in custody of my cousin Marco who was 30 years old. Marco was a sleazy, alcoholic who loved to gamble away his money and possessions. Marco was never around during the day he only came back to the house late at night from the casinos or from wherever the hell he went but always smelt of cheap alcohol and cheap perfume. However back to the present today Marco woke me up and told me to get dressed and pack a suitcase and that I would be spending the summer with a friend of the family. He said that they owned one of the biggest house in The Cove. The Cove was known for the richest of the richest, and its blue waters that residents often took their boats out on to experience the cool blue water. I was very excited to go because as a little girl I remembered going there with my mother. I packed my suitcase and rushed off to wait at the door like he instructed me to, 5 minutes later I saw him sauntering down the steps with a travelling bag in his hand. "Ava do not open this bag until you get to the Giovanni's residence. You are instructed to give it your hosts as a gift of you appreciation for housing you this summer, you got that little girl?" I simply nodded and carefully took the bag and boy was that shit heavy. I wondered what was inside that bag but I didn't want to disobey Marco and get punished as usual. Within the next few minutes a cab pulled up at the house to take me to The Cove which was an hour ride. I quickly waved Marco goodbye and sat in the cab I gave him the address and I was well on my way. During the ride to The Cove a lot of question ran through my head such as What type of family are they? Did they have children my age? What was it going to be like this summer? Would they treat me nicely? Would I meet someone there and have a summer romance? By the time I started thinking and absorbed the images I was seeing out the window I was there in no time. The house the cab pulled up to shocked me completely. The property was hanging over a cliff overlooking the blue sea, the gates were very tall with the letter g at the top in gold. My basking in the ambiance came to a screeching halt when two buff security guards came running out with guard dogs by their sides.

"Hello Miss how can, we help you, are you lost seeking directions?" they asked pleasantly although looking suspiciously at me.

"Hi well umm Marco Williams said that your boss would be expecting me and he gave me this bag to give to the host when I arrived here, he also said that the host will be expecting me." I replied nervously.

The guards immediately opened the gates and contacted the owner of the house on their communication devices and ushered me into the house while holding my bags. The butler opened the door and I was completely blown away at what I saw. The floors were pristine marble floors that looked freshly waxed, there was a gigantic crystal chandelier in the foyer which also had fresh flowers decorating the room. Everything looked so expensive and out of a magazine. I felt so out of place standing here in my skirt that was old and dingy that was given to me 4 years ago, my old rockers t shirt and converse with my long brown hair falling over my face and down my back in natural beach wave curls. I felt like a plain ole Jane with nothing going for myself thinking about how my life has turned out at the point started making me oddly sad about myself. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted with the entrance of an old lady who seemed to be the maid. She wore maid attire with a sweet gentle look on her face.

"Hi sweetheart I am Mrs. Rose I am the house keeper Mr. Giovanni said he should be out in a minute in the meantime are you hungry love?"

As if on cue my stomach growled and she chuckled. "I take that as a yes sweet pea follow me this way."

She leads me into the kitchen which I would say is the size of my entire living room plus kitchen altogether. It is immaculate not a colour is mismatched or a ware out of place. At that point I wondered if the owner of this house had OCD.

"Come child and have something to eat you can have a look around after, come on sweetheart sit here and have some tuna sandwiches with a glass of orange juice it should hold you until dinner."

I walked over and sat at the island where she laid out the food that she prepared. I mumbled a quiet thank you, smiled and dug into the sandwich. It was so yummy. Halfway into eating my sandwich a man busts into the kitchen yelling.

"Where the hell is she, he thinks this is funny huh? Dropping her off to my house to humiliate me even more?"

At that point his eyes locks head on with mine and I gasp he looks like a Grecian God! Fucking Zeus himself! His eyes are a mixture of blue and green, he has perfect pink lips with dimples that I can faintly notice on his cheeks which is kind of hidden by his facial hair. He has brown hair that is combed back and slightly shaven to the sides.

"Are you listening to me or are you dumb" he snaps.

"Excuse me?"

"Did you not hear a word that just came out of my mouth are you completely dumb with no education like Marco."

At that point I was infuriated and said calmly "Sir I do not know who you are and I do not understand why you are speaking to me in that manner or tone but I can clearly assure you that I have some education and I will not stand for your insults one bit so I suggest if you want to hold a conversation with me you better change you tone quickly."

I could heard Mrs. Rose chuckle and his mouth had totally dropped and looked completely taken aback. Well that's what you get mister asshole for being rude and arrogant. He quickly composed himself and turned around and muttered over his shoulder to follow him. I quietly got up and followed him which led me into his office it seemed. He took a seat and I took the one opposite to him. His facial features looked worn, angry and frustrated. He suddenly turned his head to me and I immediately looked away.

"Look at me"

I kept staring at my shoes trying my best to avoid his gaze.

"I will not say it again, look at me right now"

I did not budge I remained in the same position as before still scared to face him. I heard ruffling and the sound of movement and before I knew it he was right in front of. He gently tilted my head to look at him.

"Do not be scared of me I will not hurt you, I am sorry about how I acted before I just got extremely angry and I should have handled it better, now tell me your name little girl"

"My name is Ava Mr. Giovanni"

"Pretty name, now Ms. Ava do you know what was in the bag your cousin sent for me?"

"No sir"

"Well Ava he sent some money that he has been owing me since he stole from me and he also sent a note basically selling you off to me".

At first I thought it was all a prank or some kind of sick joke but his facial expression remained the same cold, hard and nonchalant.

"May I see the note "

He handed over the note and it read:

Dear Mr. Kayden Giovanni, I am trying to muster up enough money to repay you all I ask is that you give me the summer to gain the necessary funds. I already gave you her college fund and it isn't enough but I will try to get the rest soon. Instead take her as a way to keep you busy for the summer. She is young and a virgin she will satisfy and please you until I have the money within the next two months.

My hands starting shaking and tears blurred my vision reading it I started to feel the room spinning around me all I remembered before I blacked out was strong arms holding me and a voice saying daddy is here don't worry, then darkness consumed me completely. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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