Ch 13

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Third Person's POV

Bethany continued to shiver in the cold breeze until a blanket was placed around her shoulders as she wrapped it around herself. Pan sat in front of her glazing at her as Bethany looked up and then looked down.

" Thanks for the blanket..." , Bethany mumbled

" No problem love. " , Pan said. " So, why don't you tell me some things that I should know about you? " , he asked trying to start a conversation.

" Well what do you want to know about me? " , she asked quietly

" Let's start with, why did you choose Neverland as your destination love? " , he asked casually.

" Just because..." , she shrugged.

He nodded slowly. His green orbs met her brown orbs followed by her shoulder length carmel hair and fair skin.

" You look so familiar. " , he murmured

" Familiar? " , she questioned

" I know that I have seen those brown eyes before love, however I don't remember. " , he sighed.

Bethany nodded slowly before she moved herself to the other log as she sat next to Pan with the blanket wrapped around her.

" Do you mind if I lean on your shoulder? " , she asked quietly

" Sure love. " , Pan's said giving her a warm smile.

Bethany leaned her head on his shoulder as Pan held her wasit pulling her closer to him.

Neither of them has spoken a word and the only sound could be heard from the echoing chats among the lost boys. A small yawn escaped Bethany's mouth as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

" May I stay the night in Neverland, Pan? " , she asked sleepily

" Of course love. " , he replied softly. " I have an extra room that you could stay in. "

" Thank you. " , she said softly.

" Anytime. " , Pan said.

" Could you show me where the extra room is at? " , she asked.

Pan nodded as he motioned for her to follow him through the woods. It didn't take long for them to reach a treehouse nearby Pan's. Pan motioned for her to climb up the ladder and carefully opened the door to reveal an empty room that seemed to reflect a girl's room.

" Why do you have a girl's room? " , Bethany asked.

" Why can't you just be grateful that you won't have to sleep in a boy's room? " , Pan
questioned with annoyance.

" It was just a simple question. " , Bethany mumbled before rolling her eyes.

" A simple question that I didn't want to answer. " , Peter stated.

" I'm not going to judge you. " , Bethany crossed her arms.

" I thought you said you were tired love. " , Pan said gestering to the bed.

" Well now my brain won't sleep without knowing why you have a girl's room. " , Bethany said tapping her feet.

" I guess you will never know. " , Pan shrugged " Now stop tapping your feet like you own this place. "

" Well I do now since the girl hasn't claimed it as hers. " , Bethany huffed.

Pan's eyes turned dark green.

" Don't you ever say that again. " , he said with a growl.

" You are hiding something. " , Bethany said.

" And you need to mind your own business or else. " , he threatened her

" Or else what? " , Bethany questioned " You wouldn't hurt me. "

" Oh believe me, nothing will hold me back from hurting you Bethany. " , he huffed

Bethany sighed as she nodded slowly. She walked towards the bed and sat on it before feeling the comfort that it gave to her. Pan stayed quiet watching her every move and breath that she took.

" Did I offend you or something? " , he asked raising his eyebrow.

" No, not at all. " , she said quiety. " I'm just tired. "

" Well suit yourself. " , he shrugged before walking off.

" Wait! " , Bethany called.

" What? " , Pan asked as he turned around.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to question you. " , Bethany softly said.

" It's okay. I just don't want to talk about it. " , Pan sighed.

" Well goodnight Pan. " , she said before giving him a warm small.

" Goodnight love. " , he said giving her a small smile before leaving the room.

A/N: Well they went from being all cute to arguing to small smiles...That's a great chapter right there! Yay me! Ha. Well I hope you enjoyed that one. ❤️

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