Forbidden Love

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Before you begin reading, "Frau" only applies to the female readers, so I have it in parentheses. Sorry for any typos, as this was typed up on my phone. If you notice any, feel free to drop a comment correcting me.

Your phone buzzed, the screen illuminating the pitch black room you were trying to sleep in. Grunting in frustration, you rolled over to check who had disturbed your slumber. You saw the name Gilbert flashing on your screen and nearly screamed, your face turning a bright red color. "Hey, (y/n), come meet my AWESOME self in the woods near the Highschool. I'm waiting." You grabbed a coat and headed out.

The crunch of leaves under your gentle footsteps had stolen most of your attention, the sound hypnotizing in a way. The brisk autumn breezes would momentarily snap you out of your daze, but you fell back into your fantasy world soon after. After several more minutes of crunching leaves and chilly winds, you found the white-haired Prussian sitting in a tree.

He laughed, asking "you look a bit cold, (Frau). Do you need mein awesome cloak to keep you warm?" in a conceited tone. You didn't mind his arrogance, however, responding with a simple "no thank you." There was a brief pause before you asked "so why did you call me out here? It's really late and I was trying to sleep, you know." The Prussian jumped out of the tree, sticking the landing. Laughing, he said "well, I was hungry, you see?"

Scoffing, you told him "you could just go to McDonalds or something." Gilbert was much closer to you than you had realized. He whispered directly into your ear, saying "not just any food works for me, (mein Frau)." As he wrapped his arms around your waist.

Before you could respond, you felt a sharp pain in your neck that made you cry out in shock. You quickly realized that the more you moved, the worse the pain got. "I really do appreciate this, (y/n)." Gil said with a slightly insane chuckle and a mouth full of neck. You struggled a bit more, but the world began spinning and his strong arms held you firmly in place.

"Where do you think you're going, (Frau)?" He mocked, still latched onto your neck like a bug. "Get the hell off of me, you overgrown mosquito! I hope you die!" You shouted, hoping to damage his ego enough to make him let go. "The awesome Prussia? A mosquito?" He laughed, "you must be terribly misinformed." At this point, your world had gone splotchy and you would have fallen onto the damp ground if the pale man hadn't been holding you up. You knew you didn't have much time left, so you said the last thing you could think of. "I loved you, you ass."

The last thing you felt was your body being violently thrown to the ground. Cast aside like an unwanted piece of trash. It was so obvious to you that he didn't care even a little bit about you. A tear slowly rolled down your pale cheek as you weakly drew your final breath and everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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