The Meeting

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Yoongi turned into his usual parking spot as he stopped in front of Beautifood, why his friend named it that was beyond him. The restaurant had been his favorite place for coffee and since the moment his Jin opened it in college, that was before he had become on of the biggest CEOs in all of South Korea. Now it became his late night stop to just relax before heading back home and working even from there.

Yoongi walked inside and ordered his usual before heading to the back booth, his favorite seat in the entire shop because it was secluded enough where he could people watch without being bothered. He spent so much time there the seat practically had his name on it, sitting back he relaxed and thought about the exhausting day and even more exhausting night to come.

His morning had been irritating Yoongi was running late to meeting with some of the lower managers in the company so he hadn't been able to drink his coffee resulting in him death glaring everyone he came across. Today was supposed to be the day they did their monthly report but while he was running an hour late, his phone beeped with a message from his secretary.

The message said that the meeting was canceled because the managers had food poisoning. When Yoongi finally arrived he stepped into the elevator only to have someone spill coffee on him as they stepped off. Muttering a curse he sent the now deathly pale and apologetic employee on his way saying there was nothing to worry about.

By the end of the day his usual tidy appearance looked more like a fresh out of bed look. His hair was just an extra bit messy from constantly running his fingers through it, the first few buttons on his shirt were undone, the coffee stained shirt having been changed for a new one during the first part of the day, and his tie hung a little lower on his neck.

That's how he came to be at his usual spot in the back of Beautifood, looking around the venue he came to so often he spotted a new face one he hadn't seen before. Now that was saying something since Yoongi came here so often he knew everyone by name. Watching the new waiter run around like a chicken with its head cut off was oddly amusing especially when he saw the boy accidentally spill someone's water before apologizing and giving them a smile.

Now that caught him of guard, the smile was enchanting to say the least the way it lit up his face and his eyes practically disappeared was for lack of a better term cute. He found himself watching his every move and watching that smile over and over again until he started heading Yoongi's way. Startled Yoongi looked out the window until someone cleared their throat, finally looking at him trying to seem like he hadn't just been blatantly staring.

"Hello my name is Jimin and I will be your waiter for the evening. Your order is ready and if you need anything else please feel free to get my attention." placing the coffee down the waiter, or should he say Jimin, smiled one of the brightest smiles he had yet seen and that's when Yoongi knew he would be seeing more of him wether he wanted to or not.

After sitting at the booth for about an hour Yoongi finally stood to leave making sure to leave Jimin a generous tip. On his way out he saw Jin peeking from the kitchen and waved a quick goodbye before going out the door and heading home.

The Waiter (Yoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now