Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Sam is 23, Niall is 25

Memory #1

It was unlike Niall to forget important dates, and it was unlike Sam not to be understanding. She knew Niall was probably on the outskirts of the city that night to work on his latest photoshoot, but a part of her still clung to that slim thread of hope that he would call her. Or maybe leave her a text message.

Anything to let her know he hadn't forgotten.

And as if her prayers had been answered, her handphone buzzed in the pocket of her sweater. The caller ID bore his number. With an excited grin, Sam pulled it out and placed it against her ear.

"Hey, Sam." Niall sounded out of breath. "I have to work late again tonight. Would you mind if I just ate out? I really don't want to keep you up. I mean, I know how tired you must be."

Ever since Niall was hired by one of the top-selling fashion magazines in Ireland to be in charge of taking all the photos they would need in the next issue, he would be out of the house almost thirteen hours a day, leaving no time for him and Sam to actually interact and catch up.

And through it all, Sam remained loyal and faithful.

After all, she couldn't throw their history away just because he was bursting with passion for his work. They practically watched each other grow up. Besides, Sam's job hunt was enough to keep her plate full. That was, until the evening came and she was stuck eating Chinese take-out alone. And though she understood his situation, she still wanted him around.

"I'm not tired at all." She lied. "Do you have to stay out late?"

"Of course! You know how hard I've been working to please Mr. Gallagher. Sam, at the rate I'm going? I might get that p—"

"Promotion. I know," she finished for him.

Lately, all their conversations went like that, with him bringing up the promotion. Again, Sam understood. She knew this meant a lot to Niall, and yet there were times when she just wanted to tell him there were so many other topics to talk about. Not everything had to be about work.

For once, she'd like for them to talk about her day even if it mostly consisted of looking for a job, stopping by The Cozy Cottage on the way home to see how Gracie was doing, and working on some paintings until dinnertime.

Sam scolded herself for the selfish thoughts.

"You're not mad, are you?" There was a noticeable tinge of hesitation in Niall's voice. When he received no reply, he added. "Tell you what. Why don't I phone Nando's and have them deliver to our apartment?"

"There's no need for that. I can do it on my own." Sam said. "Plus, there's still some leftover pizza from last night. I can just heat it up."

"No, no. Get Nando's."

"I don't have any money." She said stubbornly.

She heard him sigh. "I'll take care of it, Sam. It's the least I can do for not being there."

"Okay, but don't forget." She dropped the hint but to no avail. Niall missed it completely, and that was what did it.

He always remembered.

For seven consecutive years, he remembered without her having to hint at it.

Was it possible that Sam had already been placed under photography in Niall's life? He couldn't possibly. He always told her she was his first priority, and that they'd be married one day. But what if he'd already changed his mind? What if he no longer found Sam appealing?

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