TBH and Rating Your Friends...

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Today I was on Snapchat just like any other day and I came across this post from my friend of him saying something along the lines of "message me if you want a tbh or a rate" And of course me, not knowing what any of this meant, was like "Okay! Let's do it!" And the response really ticked me off. "You can be annoying some times and you rate a 5, just like me." So tbh means to be honest and to rate your friends means to rate their appearance on a scale of 1-10. First of all what gives you the freaking right to judge their appearance. Who the hell are you to be like "that girl be ugly"?! Who are you to judge something that someone can't change and may have been struggling with for their entire lives. EVERY TEENAGE GIRL STUGGLES WITH THIS. EVERY TEENAGE GIRL WANTS TO KNOW HOW OTHERS PERCIEVE THEM. What your definition of pretty or ugly can be the complete opposite of whatever EVERYONE else thinks and that one negative comment can DESTROY their whole body impression on their lives. So don't listen to people. EVER. Because people suck and don't know what hurts and what doesn't.

So thank you for reading my little rant. Sorry, but this helps me a lot instead of taking my anger out on people. Thank you so much. Love yourself! Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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