Chapter 1

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Time has passed some since Twilight left her friends, and the princesses rushed the others into the castle. Admittedly the ponies were still in a bit of a shock. They have all gathered in the Map room and have calmed down a little. Well all but Spike and Flurry, who are still trying to process what just happened. On the other side of the room Starlight and the others are trying to find out what just happened another way.

"Ok, I know this may sound down right disrespectful, but.... WHAT THE HAY JUST HAPPENED!?" Applejack was not about to hide her feelings.
"Yes, please. I think we deserve some answers Princess Celestia." Rarity chimed in.
"What did you mean that was not the Twilight we know?" Rainbow's turn to ask.
"This even has me confused. That was Twilight, but it was not Twilight, but it was Twilight, but.........." Pinkie was stuck in a bit of a loop before Fluttershy joined the conversation.
"Maybe we should give the princesses a chance to explain what they meant." She stated, though just as shook up over the events as the rest.
"Please. Princess, could you explain what is going on?" Starlight inquired. "I can tell the magic coming from her was definitely that of Twilight Sparkle, yet it seamed different. Also what could she have meant with that 'I will see you soon.'?" She was the most composed of the six.

Princess Celestia agreed that it was time to explain what they knew. So she looked at her sister who headed over to Spike and Flurry to bring them in to the conversation, as they two needed to hear what was about to be said.
"You see my little ponies, as I said before that is and is not the Twilight you all know." As she finished Pinkie was about to say something before AJ looked at her and shook her head as if to say "wait for the moment pinkie". "You must understand that she is indeed Twilight Sparkle, but we believe she has been possessed by an extremely dark curse." The group gasped in a bit of shock.
"But this is Twilight? She is powerful enough to break any spell right?" Fllurry spoke up.
"Unfortunately, Young Alicorn, this is a spell that we do not think she can break." Princess Luna spoke up. This took almost Everypony by surprise. The thought that Twilight, an alicorn that could break a spell cast by Discord to disrupt the Elements, the pony who defeated Tirek, and held her own against so many magical foes, unable to break a curse. What could it be?

"What my sister means is that this is no normal curse. This is one that can only be cast with alicorn magic." Celectia's comment was a bit confusing to Everypony. Well all but Starlight who was listening closely to every word. "If it is the spell I believe it to be, the only place somepony could find it would be our old castle."
"But Princess, how come you would have a spell that would be a curse?" Rarity voiced her concerns.
"I told you we should have destroyed it when we found it all those years ago sister." Luna spoke up a little confrontational to what was happening.
"And I will tell you all what I said back than, Powerful Magic cannot be destroyed. It can only be moved from on vessel to another. You see, all those years ago, me and my sister collected many powerful and dark spells. We did this to seal them away so no pony could use them on another. We sealed them in a special vault that only we Alicorns could see. Well us and one unicorn."

"You could only be talking about Star Swirled? Right auntie?" Flurry spoke up, finally able to think some.
"Yes. He aided in the collecting so of course we made it so he would be able to enter as well. But this is what is perplexing, she never should have been able to find the vault of spells?" Celestia was even a little confused on this fact. "It was protected by a unique spell that only three ponies in all of Equestria knew how to bypass it?"
"Sister this is Twilight we are talking about. The pony who was able to free me from the evil that was Nightmare Moon. Something even you yourself could not do." Luna chose to speak up.
"This is true. The only way to know for sure would be to go to the castle, and to look around for clues around the library." Celestia suggestion resonated with Everypony. They all wanted to go but before any pony could say anything Celcestia chimed in once more. "I am sure you would all like to go and look, but I am afraid that is not an option." This stopped everypony in their tracks.
"What do you mean Princess?" Starlight requested.
"You see, Starlight, Spike, and Flurry Heart will not be able to go back to the castle. The dark magic that remains would most likely be to much for them. Also I cannot permit all of you to go. You are the Guardians of Equestria now, ponies will be looking to you all for strength. So, for this reason only two of you may go." This hurt all of them but they did know that it was true. With Twilight gone there really was nopony else that the ponies of Ponyville could look too.

"Ok your highness. Me and Rainbow will go." Rarity spoke up.
"But Rarity, Sugar Cube, I should really go instead of you." Applejack was worried for her friend.
"That is sweet Darling, but we may need magic to find things. That is after all my specialty. Also they will need your strength here in case anything comes up." Rarity's words rang true. AJ may not have wanted to admit it, but at the same time she knew she would not win this fight.
"Alright Sugar Cube. You win. I will stay here and help keep the ponies of Ponyville calm." AJ responded.

It was at that moment Discord finally woke up. Still in a bit of a daze. "Is everypony ok?" He asked through his blurry eyes as he looked up at everypony.
"They are fine Discord. I am glad to see you are doing ok yourself." Celestia was the first to speak up. She was being kind as he was not ok. He was extremely weak. As he tried to stand up, Fluttershy rushed back to his side to help support him some.
"You shouldn't push yourself. You need time to recover." She informed him.
"I wish time was something we had dear Fluttershy, but I need to tell you all something." He took a moment to try and recompose himself some more. Though this did not help much as he still could only muster a little bit of his strength. "Do not let your guard down my friends." This took everypony back some.
"Ha. We aren't that weak Discord. We can handle ourselves." Rainbow responded with her cheeky attitude.
"You don't understand Rainbow. Unlike when Terik took our magic, she did something different. I'm not sure exactly."
"We will figure this out Discord. I still believe that Twilight is in there somewhere." Starlight said as she walked over to him. "She is the Princess of Friendship."
"I'm not sure about that anymore. You all didn't see what I saw. She had no mercy in her eyes when she targeted me. She played with me till she was ready to go in for the attack and try and drain me of my magic."
"We defeated plenty of foes before, and she is an element. I'm sure she will be fine." Pinkie stated lively.
"I hope you are right Pinkie. I just hope you will all be carful." No sooner had he finished, what little strength he had left him. He did not pass out this time, but was to weak to say much else.
"Fluttershy and I shall take him to a room where he can rest. Rainbow and Rarity please be carful." Starlight and Flutters aided in bringing Discord out of the map room followed by Flurry and Spike who needed some alone time as well.

Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow and Rarity stayed with the two princesses.
"Will he be ok Princess?" AJ asked of Celestia.
"I do believe so, but right now we can only hope so." She stated in response.
"You see Applejack. We know very little on what has truly happened to him." Luna joined the conversation. "We know his magic was drained, but what kind of effect that can have in the end we do not know yet."
"But that has happened once before right?" Pinkie chimed in with the question.
"True. But you see, I fear there is more to it this time. Only time will tell." Celestia finished.
"Now as for the castle, Rarity and Rainbow, please be carful. We do not know what to expect." Celestia was still concerned. "I will be heading back to Canterlot, so I can get a message to Shinning Armor and Princess Cadence to warn them of what is happening. Sister, will you stay here in case she returns?"
Princess Luna responded without any hesitation. "Of course Sister. They will need me here to maintain the protective spell anyway."
"Now my little ponies, I am off. Luna shall give you any information she can to aid you. And please be carful once more."

As she headed out the ponies followed her as to escort her out. They reached the door and as it opened, all they could see were dark clouds coving all of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. In fact they stretched out as far as they could see. "Time is of the essence ponies. Once I get to the castle I shall do some research myself, and see if anything is in our current library." Celestia spread out her wings and in a flash of bight light was gone.
"Now, we do not have time to waste, as she said. Ask quickly and hopefully time will be on our side." Luna stated as she looked down at the four ponies.
"The only question I can think of is where do we look in the library when we get there?" Rarity asked.
"Here." Luna's horn glowed with magic as she placed it on Rarity's. Both horns now glowed in a violet hue. "The spell I just gave you will allow you into the secret room in the library that normally only Alicorns may enter."
Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other and off they went.
"I hope they will be ok?" Applejack stated with worry in her voice.
"I'm sure they will be. Besides we have our own job to do." Pinkie spoke up being the voice of reason for once.
"Your right Pinkie. We shall take our leave Princess." Applejack and Pinkie headed out to check on the ponies of Ponyville.
"I just hope that you are right pink pony. I hope your right?" Luna said under her voice as she headed back into the castle and shut the doors.

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