Get out!

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I screamed as anyone else in my situation would have. I grabbed for the closest thing I could get my hands on. I threw one shoe at him, but he just back-handed it away, causing it to break a vase next to him. Glass was shattering as I was already launching the second shoe at him. Sometime during this my screaming music had stopped. I wondered who turned it off, then the thought was gone.

“Get out of here you perverted freak!” I screamed as he caught my second shoe and tossed it behind him and started walking toward me.

“No,” he replied very aloof. “It’s my house and you’re my guest. Your little antics suggest you really just want my attention” he was smirking as I was backing away from him.
“Get out I'm practically naked and I don’t want any attention from you and I sure as hell don’t want to be your guest.” I grabbed a big fluffy towel that was hanging on the wall and wrapped it around to cover myself from his lingering eyes.

He kept walking forwarded, as his smirk grew bigger as his shock his head. I could hear a small chuckle leave his mouth, as my back hit the wall that was furthest from the exit or the closet. I mentally slapped myself for not planning a better plan, beside piss them off and run. Did not think this thought and plan for what I should do, once I piss them off that they confronted me. He was now pressed up against me with his hands against wall beside my head. He was so much taller than me, I barley came up to his chin. I gasped at his actions and how intimidated I felt.

“Oh Annie, you don’t have to lie, I'm the only one here,” the prince said sarcastically. I heard someone clear their throat. I wanted to see who it was but I was too sacred looking into the prince's eyes. “Well I guess your brother is here too,” I heard Max chuckling, as the prince broke eye contact to share the joke. I felt like I was just smacked or something, and I was filled with anger.

“I was just reminding you that your parents want to meet her with in the next hour,” Max said, leaning against the door frame, picking at his fingernails, “So I would recommend you both not be messing around or doing something you can't stop when they get here,” Max was smirking at the prince, and he laughed. He started shaking his head slightly as Max ignored me all together.

“Thank you Max, now leave!” Before I knew it the princes was now looking down at me as I felt one of his hands cup my cheek and gently rub his thumb over my cheek bone.

Some how my anger started to dwindled the more I looked into his eyes. They held like a hypnotic power, but I was not sure because all thoughts started to dwindle as I felt soft fabric slowly slide down my body. Goose bumps formed and cover inch of my body as I felt the prince’s arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. My mind was screaming for him stop as I felt my entire body heat up every place his body touched mine. This was wrong, he was controlling my body I thought, but he is not able to control my mind. He moved his face closer to me and I thought he was going to kiss me, and my as my mind screamed at me to run. But he didn’t. He rested his head on my shoulder as he pulled me into him closer. I felt a little pain because he was squeezing me a little too tight. I heard him sigh, then he loosened his grip on me. The room seemed to spin.

“Oh Annie,” I stiffened as I felt him brush his lips on my clavicle. “I’ve waited so long to have you.” He inhaled audibly. Anger filled me. “And now, I finally have you all to myself.” He was now staring at my body with darkened, lustful eyes, as his fangs slowly grew longer. “You are so beautiful, and in that outfit...” he bit his bottom lip. “I love this on you, and I can't wait to take it off you.”

That was what finally snapped me out of my dizzy, confused state. Forcefully I shoved him away as best I could. He only took a few steps back, as what I just did registered to him. I moved away from him as fast as I could because I was not going to let him use his magic on me again. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around as I tried to walk away from him. He looked angry now, the smirk disappearing off his face. Light bulbs went off in my head. I thought up the perfect plan and it was going to be wonderful as long as he didn’t angry enough to bite me again. I could win this battle.

“What do you think you're doing Annie,” he said, as I tried to pull my wrist away from him.

“What does it look like?” I gave him a look of duh, but he was not understanding.

“I was not done speaking, and I never said you could walk away from me.” He approached mes as I backed away from him.

“Well first, I never gave you permission to touch me or invade my personal space.” I said, as smart ass like as I could manage. He looked angry and I kept a board too cool for you look on my face, but I was scared he would hurt me again, because, let's face it he already did. “Second, I don’t really feel comfortable with some one that is not my fiancé touching me. You know him, you almost had my brother kill him, his name is Joel.” The prince had let me go at the mention of Joel and was once again gripping onto the bathroom door frame again. I could hear the sound of the frame cracking, I took this opportunity to turn away from him and walk over to the bed swaying my hips in an overly dramatic way. “Well I don’t feel, comfortable with you seeing me in the surprise outfit that was meant for him, when I leave here soon.” with that I was at the side of the bed, so I turned and did a jump and flopped on the bed.

It was the most comfortable bed that I had ever laid on and I was sad to not have this when I went home. All at once I felt a pressure all over my body, so I opened my eyes to the prince pinning my arms down beside my head. As I looked him in the eyes, I screamed and tried to fight him and get away. His eyes were known longer pretty blue but were solid black and had white curvy line that looked like veins all over the endless black. I was truly scared and regretted trying to carry out this plan because he was going to kill me and there was nobody going to stop him.

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