I sit in my room.in the middle of the room really.i lay down crossing my legs my back on the ground.i throw a bouncing ball up and down.i think to myself-will i ever go out to see the earth?-Jacob(tall,white,short brown hair,dimples,nice smile,dorky/nerdy,glasses,blue eyes)
Hey what are you up to red(real name-amber-antagonist-tall,white,red hair,kinda bitchy can be nice though,blue eyes,dorky/nerdy,tells truth)said jacob.
I told you not to call me that.
-jacob rolls his eyes-whatever-kaitlyn is at the ice cream cart thing wanna go?
-i stand up-why would i want to go she is dating that boy and they are most likely together at the stupid thing.
Why dont you like him again-jacob said with a concerning look on his face-
Because he a dick and-
And your not-he said laughing a little-
Yes i am but thats to people i hate.
Exactly but he is different.
How so hmmm.
-amber stares at him-
He is narcissistic sociopath he says he is happy with her but he really doesn't give a fuck weather she commits suicide by walking out the ship without a suit on...he acts like he does but he is just using her like he has the other 50 girls...-exaggeration-
He has only dated 2 girls-jacob said with the face of concern once again-
Feels like 50...both of them have come whining to me like i can help ive tried but i dont care any fucking more...i really dont.
Welp we are going anyways come on let's go-jacob grabs my arm-
-i pull my arm back-i can walk on my own.-i put on my leather jacket and grab my katanas,gun,and small pocket knife,and walk out-
Ahahaha i love you so much baby-kaitlyn says-
Oh really you brought her...-branson said with anger in his voice-
Oh you still havent killed yourself-i said in a sarcastic but serious tone-
-jacob looks at me-really we just-
He is cut of by amber-
I dont really fucking care when we got here ill do what i want ok
Jacob stares-whatever-
I sit next to kaitlyn just to piss branson off-
Branson stares-hey babe mind sitting here we should switch seats
Branson-mmm just feel like sitting their
Kaitlyn moves to his side as they switch seats-
Branson-hey dick how do you like me-
I cut him off mid sentence-
Fuck off-i said irritated-
Jacob-im going to go...and....use the...bathroom-he gets up and walks quickley towards the bathroom-
-i put my hand on the handel of my katana-shit the hell up branson
Ohhh boo hoo or what ya gunna kill me OH wait you cant your to weak-
Jacob comes back and heard said thing-
Ok branson stop it thats a bit far you know how she can get...-jacob tries to get branson away-
Baby stop it please she will kill you-
No she fucking wont she is to fucking weak cant even throw a knife accurately -branson laughs-
-i stare at jacob he is giving me the look of pleasr dont hurt him not here not now-i ignore the look-
Amber please-
Shut up kaitlyn-
Branson get up and holds my neck chocking me-
You better take that-he lets go and look down seeing my hand holding a knife-
Y-y-you -fu-fu-fucking stabed me-
He falls to the ground holding his wound-
-i put the knife to his neck-dont talk to me dont mess with me the next time i hear or see you im going to come up to you and you wont have a chance do you understand me you peace of shit.and just so youll remember that ill take something of yours-i cut off one of his ears and cut of his long brown hair--i get up and walk away-

FantasyA girl(amber)wonders when she will be able to go to space and explore outside the shuttle...and if she is willing to break a few rules to get out