tell me

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Taerru has joined the chat
Ty-Trek has joined the chat

Ty-Trek: why'd you tell me to log on?

Taerru: rememeber that time when you were sad a few months ago, and called me hyung?

Ty-Trek: yes...? What about it?

Taerru: finish your story about you and jae

Ty-Trek: oh okay. If you insist.
So thag night, we got drunk. Being the responsible leader I am, I didn't get too drunk

Taerru: its all believble accecpt the leader part

Ty-Trek: -_-
Anyways, so jae got drunk. Like really really drunk. So he started to do.... things to me

Taerru: lemme guess, you got turned on

Ty-Trek: yeah! He insisted on sucking me off so I let him. I was on the edge when he stopped and just left the room

Taerru: thats it? Thats why you were sad? Because Jae left you hanging with a boner?

Woojae has joined the chat

Woojae: wassup?

Ty-Trek: nothing

Ty-Trek has left the chat

Woojae: ?

Taerru: never get drunk again jae

Taerru has left the chat

Woojae: ????
O shit
Taeyong wtffff

Woojae has left the chat


Wooohooo double update!! If you're confused, go read chapter 27 (TT)

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