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"That's GOT7?" Leigha pointed to them. 

Zara and Toni both nodded. A huge smile formed on her face. 

"No, don't." Zara went to grab her sister but was too late. 

"Hello, I'm Leigha owner of Little Cafe." She smiled. "Which on of you are Mark?" 

Leigha's eyes scanned over the seven handsome boys. Mark slowly raised his hand. Leigha smiled and clapped her hands together. 

"Well Mark, you see that girl over." Leigha pointed to Zara. "She has a huge crush on you." 

Zara's face heated up turned beet red. Mark looked over at Zara. She quickly looked away. 

"So who is Jackson?" Leigha asked. 

Jackson raised his hand. Leigha smiled at him. 

"You see that girl next to the girl who has a crush on Mark, she has a crush on you." Leigha smiled and looked over at Zara and Toni. 

"I'm going to kill you." Zara nodded her. 

"You kill me, who's going to write your check?" Leigha flashed a smile at her. 

"Ahh, yeah..." Leigha's smile widen. 

"Leigha, please stopp." Zara whined. 

"JB?" Leigha smiled. 

JB looked at her. 

"Ah, my sister's bias wrecker." Leigha nodded. 

JB blushed and looked away. 

"Arghh." Zara sat on the ground. "Just kill me now." 

"Get up." Toni tried to pick up her best friend. "You're embarrassing us." 

"So..I'm already embarrassed." Zara let her body lump. 

"God, you're so heavy." Toni breathed. 

"I'm not heavy you're just weak." Zara crossed her arms. 

The boys started laughing. Zara and Toni looked at them. 

"Why are ya'll laughing, you guys made us this way." Zara stood. 

"No we didn't." Mark laughed. 

"You did with all your sexiness." Zara argued back using hand gestures. 

"What was that?" Toni asked mocking her hand movement. 

"We're not sexy." Mark spoke back. 

Zara and Toni both looked at Mark. Zara arched her brow in an are-you-serious manner. Toni let out a huff and put her hands on her waist. 

"Now, why you gotta lie like that." Toni said. "Ya'll sexy as fu..fudge." 

"Nice save." Zara nodded her head. "Are you guys going to order anything soon?" 

"Oh, why?" Mark looked at the boys and spoke in Korean. 

Zara, Leigha and Toni all looked at them. Toni's eyes only on Jackson, he looked up at her catching her staring at him. Toni's eyes widen and she looked away. 

"We're ready to order." Mark said. 

"I can order my own stuff." Jackson in English. 

"Okay, you go first." Mark smiled at him. 

"Markson." Zara and Toni sighed. 

"Girls, get over yourself and get to work." Leigha walked away after she got what the boys wanted. 

She went in to the back and prepared them. Zara was impressed that she did it all by herself. She does all the baking by herself. 

"So you two like us?" Jackson asked. 

Toni and Zara looked at them. 

"Yes, BTS and EXO too." Toni smiled. 

"But us more right?" Jackson joked. 

"Since my room is covered with a lot of GOT7...I'd say yes." Toni nodded. 

Zara bit back her smile. Mark noticed it. 

"What's funny?" Mark asked. 

"Nothing." Zara turned around walking away. "Leigha, hurry up." 

"Why the hurry?" JB spoke in English. 

Zara and Toni both looked at them. The boys started laughing. 

"We've been learning English." Jinyoung said. 

"We're studying Korean." Zara mentioned. "But we still suck at it." 

"Yeah, writing Hangul is hard." Toni whined. 

"We can teach you." Yugyeom said. 

"Really?" Toni smiled. 

"No, we have no time to waste." Yugyeom smiled back at her. 

Toni balled up her fist and went for him but Zara grabbed er pulling her back. Yugyeom stood. JB pulled him back down to his seat. 

"We're going to see what's taking my sister so long." Zara drug Toni along. 

"Thank God, Please help." Leigha sighed. "These are finished, please go give them their food and make their drinks." 

"For the first time in forever." Zara sang. 

"Shut up and go do it." Leigha pushed her sister. "Toni, help me finish these." 

Zara grabbed the tray with there pastries on it. She walked out and placed it on the table. She grabbed her note pad and looked at them. 

"What would you like to drink, my sister failed to tell me that." Zara sighed. 

The boys told her what they wanted. Tea. All different kinds. She didn't know if her sister had any of this. She went back behind the counter and looked, heating up the tea pot as she did. Luckily she found all of the flavors. 

"Thank God." Zara mumbled to herself. 

She felt sweat run down her face. She sighed and put her hair up in a pony tail. She poured the water into the cups and put the tea bags in the cups. She looked up to see the boys watching her. She gave them a small smile and placed the tea cups on a tray bring it to them. She placed the cups in front of the boys on remembering who wanted what. 

"Gomabseubnida." The boys said, saying thank you in Korean.

"I'm guessing that means, Thank you...so you're welcome." Zara sighed and walked back into the back.

"Here you go, the rest of the food." Toni handed it to her.

Zara nodded taking the tray. She walked it to the boys, placing it in front of them.

"Sorry for the wait, enjoy." Zara smiled.

She was about to walk away but someone grabbed her hand. She turned to see Mark holding her wrist.


I hope you guys enjoy this. I'm writing two other fanfics as well so I'll have to do schedule on what to update on what day :)

Please if you see a mistake tell me so I can fix it!

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