Chapter 1: He's what?!

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Hello, here is my first try at a fanfic. Please be patient with me. Hope you all enjoy this though!

I do not own any recognizable characters.

Elle's POV

"Umm, there was a little turbulence but I got here in one piece. I just got home from the airport."

"Midge, I really don't get why you had to move all the way to the UK." Oh no, here we go again.

I sighed, "You're saying it like we didn't live here for the first fifteen years of my life, ma."

"I know, I know. It's just different when you're not constantly here anymore."

I laughed into the phone as I balanced it on my shoulder to get juice from my fridge, "You've been saying that for the past two years!"

"Visit us soon, Midge. I know how demanding your schedule is, but Mia's graduating soon."

"Yes, I know. Let me know when it is and I'll be there."

After a short while of chatting with my mother, we ended the phone call.

It was a very rare Friday afternoon for me, lying around and just relaxing. I know, how exciting is my life?! Lying around and not prepping for a party on a Friday night, ha. Truth is, I just got home from a short visit in the Philippines where my grandparents (and other relatives) from my mother's side lived. Also, I almost NEVER get any day offs and in this case, I only got a few days off since I went to another country. This is my way of relaxing before I get back to work tomorrow.

I was just about to start a very bad decision of online "window shopping" when my phone buzzed beside me.

From: TWH
Hello, darling! I am here in Suffolk for a short while to visit, want to have dinner? Mum's asking for you

Hiddles, I haven't heard from you in so long! Sure I'll be there in a while.

From: TWH
Great, see you then!

I stood up from my bed and stretched for a bit. Damn, how long was I lying there? I went to my closet to find an acceptable outfit. As I was doing so, my phone buzzed again but this time, it was my sister calling. Wow, the third person that has decided to contact me today! I'm on a frickin roll!

Since I was quite busy, I decided to reject her phone call and she texted me before I was able to conjure up a message.

From: Mia Beaumont
Midge!!! Why did u reject my phone call?!?!?

To: Mia Beaumont
Mi, for all you know, I could be in a meeting right now.

From: Mia Beaumont
But u obv r not since ure texting me rn. I also know its ur day off. Plsplspls call when u can

To: Mia Beaumont
I'll call you as soon as I get home.

Once I was able to find something to wear (which took about 10 minutes, quite a short amount of time for me!), I went to my vanity and put on a bit of makeup. You know the usual primer, concealer (I do not regret staying up late at night binge watching movies), mascara blablablah.

The last time I met up with Hiddles was probably about 3 months ago. We were both in Los Angeles- him, for the Golden Globes event and me, for a doctors convention- and I was able to personally congratulate him for his win. Over a cup of tea, of course, I was also able to tell him that his speech was alright and that people just love to keep on looking for things that would make others become an object of ridicule. Besides, he's part of an organization that truly helps those in need; the people blatantly judging him for his speech are sitting behind their computers, always looking for something to complain about.

Anyway, I lived about 15 minutes away from the Hiddlestons and I really have not visited his mum or sisters in such a long time. I heard both of his siblings are there with their own families and I am truly excited to catch up with them once again.

Once I arrived at my destination, I got out of my car and walked over to their front door. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open it.

"Imogen Charlotte Elizabeth, you know you don't have to ring the bell!" I cringed immediately at my mouthful of a name being used by none other than Diana Hiddleston (my parents had a little too much fun with their 50,001+ best baby names book). I was welcomed with a huge hug and although she is quite short, she gives one of the best hugs ever.

"Hello, Diana! It's nice to see you again." I gave her an air kiss with my cheek to hers and returned her hug. "Don't go that long without meeting up with me for a cuppa ever again."

"I won't, I'm sorry I've just been so busy recently." I gave her an apologetic smile and I noticed a tall, ginger haired man come up behind her and I couldn't help but run over to him, "'OL TOMMY H!!"

"E LIZZY!! So nice to see you again!" I gave him a huge hug that knocked the wind out of him and he returned with a hug that was just as tight. As I pulled out of the hug, I saw someone I never thought I would actually meet.

"Hello, you must be Elizabeth. I'm Katerina. Tom has told me so much about you!"

I gave her a smile and shook her hand, "Hi, Katerina. I've heard a lot about you too." Shit.

There was an awkward silence of about 5 seconds until Sarah, Tom's sister, announced that dinner was ready.


In the midst of the fabulous dinner prepared by the Hiddleston women, I noticed that the wine was running out. I then offered to get more wine since I didn't think I would survive the night without some alcohol in my system and walked to their kitchen.

After a while, Tom walked in as I was reading the label on the bottle of wine. I raised an eyebrow at him as he leaned on the kitchen counter, "I'm sorry I brought her here."

"What the actual fuck, Thomas?!" I laid into Tom.

"I know, I'm so sorry. It's just that-"

"What could possibly be the best reason for you to take back that hussy after she practically humiliated you in front of the whole world?!" Yep, I was offically angry. I'm a pretty much laid back person and if you've made me angry, then you must have done something really terrible. Or it could be the alcohol talking.

"Midge, can you listen to me please?" He looked at me with those baby blue eyes that expressed so much of what he was feeling. And right now, I felt that he needed someone there for him, not someone who would give him a sermon.

I sighed, "Fine." He knows that nickname can soften me up since it was what my family called me ever since I was born.

"I bumped into her in Los Angeles and I offered to get coffee with her for a short chit-chat. And you see, she told me something I ahhhh..." He dragged on.

"Oh for God's sake, Thomas. Just spit it out!" I furrowed my brows and pinched the bridge of my nose. I crossed my arms and was about to reply when he told me something that kicked me into sobriety. Not that I was THAT intoxicated, I only had a few sips of wine.

"I am the father of her baby and we need your help."

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