Chapter 2: Dr. Elle in Action

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Sorry for the very late update. Hope anyone who reads this is enjoying so far. I just needed some time to research about what I was going to write.

Elle's P.O.V

On my way home, there was an incoming call from my little sister. I stopped at a gasoline station I passed by and parked. I answered the call with an irritated grunt, "Mia, I told you I'd call you when I got home."

"Yeah, I know. But I just couldn't wait! Is it wrong to miss my big loving very great and amazing sister?"

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. "What do you want?"

She sighed into the phone, "Aren't you friends with Tom Hiddleston?" I groaned as soon as I heard his first name.

"What? What's wrong with him?" She gasped, "Is he not who I think he is? Is he like actually the opposite of the kind person he is during interviews?"

"No. It's not that." I replied with my eyes closed and my head leaning on the glass window. "You better not tell your friends about what I'm going to tell you, Mia. Or else."

I began telling her all about what happened with Tom tonight and after ranting and venting, she was stunned into silence for a while. "Hello? Mia?"

"Oh, sorry. I just really don't know what to say."

"It's okay, Mi. I'll call you back tomorrow, I need to drive home."

- - - -

I sighed as I walked into my home and threw myself onto the sofa. How did everything seem so fine just a few hours ago and now it has all gone downhill?

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Elle! Why are you feeling so down after seeing him with her? Maybe it's because you're disappointed in him for making such terrible choices in terms of his love life. Yes. That makes sense. That is a perfectly valid reason.

Great. Now I'm talking to myself.

I was startled when my phone buzzed inside my pocket and I took it out to see who texted me. I groaned as I saw who it was from and ran my hand through my hair frustratingly.

From: TWH
Thank you, Midge. x

Don't thank me yet. See you Tuesday, 12 nn.

From: TWH
See you there. x

I felt my eyes drooping and somehow managed to get to my bedroom without bumping into anything. Considering how tired I was, it's a miracle I was able to get into my bed in one piece.


I woke up with my alarm blaring beside me on the bedside table. Thankfully, I was able to stop it from making any more noises and actually got up to get ready for work.

Today, I wasn't really doing anything serious. By serious I meant operations and the like. I only had a few appointments and these were composed of check ups and giving of vaccine shots.

Approximately forty five minutes later, I was ready to go to the hospital and I was there within twenty minutes. I greeted the nurse at the reception area, Jeanne, who was like a mother to everyone here. She's been a nurse for about twenty or so years already and she absolutely loves her job. She's such a blessing to be with because she's a huge sweetheart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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