Baby - Chapter 23

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*Akane's POV*

"Wait what? Mom, what are you talking about? And why'd you bring that man? What's his name...? Haru, was it?" I crossed my arms as I stand in front of my mom beside the Haru boy.

"Akane, dear. You really don't remember him, do you?" She sighs and forced a small smile, "do you know who your boyfriend is?"

I smiled with a blush, "Mom~! Hayato of course!"

The boy stared into my orbs with widened eyes as tears developed in his dark black eyes.

"W- what?... Did I say something wrong?..." I both looked at them worriedly.

Haru turned to my mom and bowed, "I'm sorry but I have to leave. I'll be back soon." He smiled sadly and exited the door from my home.

"Wait mom, what does he mean he'll be back soon? Does he live with us?" I asked with my head titled sideways a bit.

She nods and takes out her phone, she dials someone and excused herself. I nodded for her to go and make a call and I sat on the livingroom couch studying what had happened.

Who's Haru? What did I say to make him cry? Hayato is my boyfriend... Right?...

My mom walked out the kitchen and sat beside me. She sighed and held my hand.

"Honey, Hayato will be here soon to pick you up. Start packing. You'll stay there for a few days until we find out to get your memory back." She smiled and my eyes shimmered.

"Yay~! I'll pack now!" I jumped off the couch, to my room and brought out one luggage and a black bag.



As the doorbell rang, I jumped off my bed and ran to the door. Slowly opening the door, my eyes shimmered, and as Hayato was about to talk, I cut him off by hugging him.

"GYAH~! BABE!" I squealed and smiled brightly.

"A- Akane?" He stutters and gently pushes me away. I frown and pecked his cheeks.

"Hayato, why do you look so shocked for some reason?" I cupped his cheeks and stare deep into his red eyes.

Hayato takes my hands away from his cheeks and lets it go.

"Can I speak with your mother?" Hayato smiled but I knew the smile was forced. I sighed and nodded.

Everyone's so weird today...


As I sat in my room spacing out, I heard a knock on my door 3 times. I walked towards the door and opened it. Hayato was there. Just standing.

"Akane, come on, we're leaving in a few minutes. Go grab your stuff and we'll head off. I told your mom we'll be leaving. I also talked with Haru." He forced a smile and he was about to walk away until I stopped him buy grabbing his wrist.

"Wait! What's the deal with Haru?! I don't even know him! He's starting to annoy me...!"

Hayato turned around and his eyes were widened.

"Y- you don't know H- Haru?... He's your boyfriend!" Hayato almost yelled with anger.

"Wait, no he's not~! You're my boyfriend, silly!" I let go of his wrist and laughed awkwardly being confused of what he was talking about.

"Akane... Let's go," He says in a cold toan.


We arrived at the palace while I was beside Hayato the whole time.

"Since your mom told me that I have to watch over you at all cost, follow me." I nodded from his weird actions and took my stuff to were he went.
"You can unpack later. Right now, we have to talk."

"A- alright..." I nodded slowly and we both sat on his bed facing each other. "What's this about? Is there something wrong, babe?" I asked in a worried toan.

"First of all. We're not dating Akane. You're with Haru. You've been with him for a long time. You might be even carrying yours and Haru's baby..." He looks away from me and pointed at my stomach.

"W- WAIT WHAT?! A BABY?!" I slightly jumped.

"Oh... You didn't know that? Oops..." He stared at me for a while and left the bed and stood up in front of me.
"You know what, I can't let you stay here. It's way to dangerous. You have to go back to your mom AND Haru."

"N- no! I wanna stay with you!"

"No Akane. You have to be with Haru. And plus, he's the father of that child. I'll tell him that to help you with your memories instead of me."

"W- why...." I walked towards my stuff and took Hayato's hand. Before I knew it, we were back at my house.

I went to my room leaving Hayato. I turned away from my door and my eyes widened as I saw a boy sleeping on my bed.

"Gya- Wait... Isn't that the Haru guy?" I stomped to him and shaked him roughly.

He groand and his eyes slowly opened.

Awwe... He looks so adorable like a little baby~!

I smiled in the sight.

"Babe! I mean Akane! Why'd you... Wake me up?" He sat up and sighed.

"You're in my room." I crossed my arms trying my best not to smile.

"It's our room." He layed back down and covered his head with the blanket.

"It is? And Hayato told me we should go to a doctor or something." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"WAIT WHY?! ARE YOU HURT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He quickly stood up in front of me.

"No... He said something about me carrying a baby...?"
His eyes widened, I smiled from his adorableness.

"Who's the father....?"

"He said that it was you."

His mouth dopped slightly opened with shock. I could smell a sweet candy scent from him.

"Come, let's go," He said quick, "We have to go a doctor now."

Haru grabs my wrist lightly and walked out the room, out the house, to a car.

While he was driving, I placed my hand on my stomach.

"So, if we have a baby... That means... We did it.... Right?" I looked as his direction as he smiled.

"You may not remember, but yes. We've done it. And your mom knows too, although she doesn't mind."

My face turned pink as I tried to hide my smile.


We exited the hospital we went to with happiness in Haru's face. Even tho I couldn't remember some stuff about him, I felt belonged in his presence.

"Babe... I mean," he coughed, "Akane. Do you-" I cut him off and smiled.

"It's fine, you can call me that."

He smiled back amd nodded, "Babe, do you wanna go eat dinner now?"

"It's a bit early, but sure!" I slightly jumped and went in his car, as he did the same.

I'll believe that he's actually my partner. But... How will mom take her feelings if she hears about me and Haru are having a baby?...

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